I learned to stand 4 feet back from the mirror


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At 3 feet, my forehead wrinkles appear. And at 1 foot, my forehead pores appear. I'm sure my nose pores appear near 2 feet. My face is so aged compared to my body. But fortunately it is well shaped.

But at 4 feet back from the mirror (equivalent to 8 feet away from a person), I look so good. Sexy sexy sexy. I think I just found a good way to boost my self confidence. Instead of imprinting close up images of myself in my mind, I'll stare at myself from 4 feet away. I can't even tell I have hair loss. I think my frontal tuff is thickening in, too. Nice and dark up there.

I still need to be aware that women can see my flaws up close. That is a good reason not to smother them right away while flirting. Got to be confident I can flirt with that woman over there. Got to get her interest though before I get in closer, though. I doubt the forehead lines are even the biggest issue. It is the pore sizes, and she can't see those time I'm within 4 feet of her or closer.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass that one. I thought so lowly of myself because I was looking too closely at myself.


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I know how you feel... you just have to feel good about the way you are,, and just work on the sh*t that you are able to work (like your hair) on...confidence is very important,,and if you're not confident of yourself,, trust me, the girl can see right through.....think of it this way ,, you are scared of being rejected right?,,,,,if you make a pass for her,,and she rejects you,, what did you lose? nothing!....at least you tried....it is way better than sitting around and doing nothing.


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My wife says I'm narcissistic but you my friend would be in Wikepedia as the example picture. :)


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collegechemistrystudent said:
At 3 feet, my forehead wrinkles appear. And at 1 foot, my forehead pores appear. I'm sure my nose pores appear near 2 feet. My face is so aged compared to my body. But fortunately it is well shaped.

But at 4 feet back from the mirror (equivalent to 8 feet away from a person), I look so good. Sexy sexy sexy. I think I just found a good way to boost my self confidence. Instead of imprinting close up images of myself in my mind, I'll stare at myself from 4 feet away. I can't even tell I have hair loss. I think my frontal tuff is thickening in, too. Nice and dark up there.

I still need to be aware that women can see my flaws up close. That is a good reason not to smother them right away while flirting. Got to be confident I can flirt with that woman over there. Got to get her interest though before I get in closer, though. I doubt the forehead lines are even the biggest issue. It is the pore sizes, and she can't see those time I'm within 4 feet of her or closer.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass that one. I thought so lowly of myself because I was looking too closely at myself.

Why don't you use biore strips for your pores?? Also stand in steam for a while..


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I liberally applied my RU to the front of my head. Sure did make it look thin. If I ever don't have time to apply Dermmatch, I have to wear my hat all day. It works. No one suspects anything because I don't wear it on the other days. I hope HM comes out soon. Then I need to make my face skin look younger, and start my 20's over how they should have been.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I hope HM comes out soon. Then I need to make my face skin look younger, and start my 20's over how they should have been.

You cant get those years back I'm afraid, you'll just have to make sure you make the most of your 30's.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I hope HM comes out soon. Then I need to make my face skin look younger, and start my 20's over how they should have been.
you are not going to, and i think mentally it would be tough, things just change so much, i know i am so different then i was in my early 20s compared to now

hair today gone tomorrow

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bubka said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I hope HM comes out soon. Then I need to make my face skin look younger, and start my 20's over how they should have been.
you are not going to, and i think mentally it would be tough, things just change so much, i know i am so different then i was in my early 20s compared to now

how so

hair today gone tomorrow

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bubka said:
collegechemistrystudent said:
I hope HM comes out soon. Then I need to make my face skin look younger, and start my 20's over how they should have been.
you are not going to, and i think mentally it would be tough, things just change so much, i know i am so different then i was in my early 20s compared to now

how so


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if I understood this right, you are using your 20's to try to look and live 20 by 30?!? thats a very clever plan :p


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collegechemistrystudent said:
At 3 feet, my forehead wrinkles appear. And at 1 foot, my forehead pores appear. I'm sure my nose pores appear near 2 feet. My face is so aged compared to my body. But fortunately it is well shaped.

But at 4 feet back from the mirror (equivalent to 8 feet away from a person), I look so good. Sexy sexy sexy. I think I just found a good way to boost my self confidence. Instead of imprinting close up images of myself in my mind, I'll stare at myself from 4 feet away. I can't even tell I have hair loss. I think my frontal tuff is thickening in, too. Nice and dark up there.

I still need to be aware that women can see my flaws up close. That is a good reason not to smother them right away while flirting. Got to be confident I can flirt with that woman over there. Got to get her interest though before I get in closer, though. I doubt the forehead lines are even the biggest issue. It is the pore sizes, and she can't see those time I'm within 4 feet of her or closer.

Anyway, just thought I'd pass that one. I thought so lowly of myself because I was looking too closely at myself.

This sounds like BDD to me, and it's bringing back bad feelings for me. Look at my old posts, I used to do the same stuff man. You will literally drive yourself insane. I used to look at myself from inches away at the mirror, to 20ft, to 5ft. I started examining the entire surface of my skin/face/pores etc. It never ends. I took pictures of myself in every lighting environment I could. I have THOUSANDS of digital pictures of myself stashed away on my server. They are all dated by the day and year. I used to examine them and say "My eyes look bad in this picture, is it the light". Then the next day "Wow I am ugly." Then the next day "Wow, I'm good looking." It was a constant quest to answer the question "Am I ugly?"

I am a lot better now, but still have my moments. I don't know how I came out of that hell hole I found myself in. But I am glad I am out. I couldn't get through the day and almost got fired. I'd constantly go to the bathroom and stare at myself.


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klink said:
My wife says I'm narcissistic but you my friend would be in Wikepedia as the example picture. :)

so true


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I just wanna share some of my experience, I realize that as long as you dont try to hide your bald spots with a combover, girls wont be paying TOO much attention on it unless your NW3+