I like this site


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it also is fun getting answers, putting head together, and telling new people how to fix their hair. Many come on here clueless, or don't even know about this site. I did not even know about this site. I visited it years ago, but all I read were posts from guys moaning about how "we need access to dutasteride!", and not having any solutions. That was in 2002. I just came back again because this sight kept coming up in my google searches while I was trying to learn about male pattern baldness. I thought minoxidil and finasteride were the only good treatments and the rest were scams because only these two are FDA approved. I learned a lot since then. It is sad how many balding 20 year olds don't know about this stuff, and at best are just prescribed full price propecia and full price rogaine when they get the nerve to ask their doctors. hair transplant clinics just want to tell people enough so men will keep what they have, not regrow it all. and most new treatments are just patented and sold, rather than going threw expensive phaseIII fda trials. Even dutasteride never went through the trials. that should tell people something about why patents are prefered to publishing in journals.


well using full price rogaine and full price propecia sure is expensive, but can't those stop hair loss for liek 90% of men?

obviously they'd be better off with generics and/or proscar, but at least they're doing almost all they can for the hair loss.


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I like this site too, and like sharing my ideas with people. If you spend enough time searching around and comparing strategies with each other, you can come up with a regimen that will maximise your success and minimise your costs.

Given, for 90% of people this is just the big 3 :eek: However for people who can't or don't want to take finasteride or minoxidil, sites like this one become all the more important. Im currently attempting to formulate a regimen without finasteride, and if I didn't check my ideas against others more knowledgeable, I'd most likely fail miserably. Still possible even if I do lot's of research, of course... :)

This site, however, is most definately the best hair loss site on the net :)