I loathe getting haircuts.......

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I mean I get really apprehensive about when I am about to get my haircut and I contemplate how much my hair has changed since the last time I got it cut.....how much has my hairline receded? I have OCD now and I actually line my hairline up with my own clippers quite often when I see what I perceive as a problem.

When I first noticed my hairline screwing up, I used to go into the barber shop nervous as sh*t and the rogaine foam caked up on my scalp that revealed itself after my barber did his duty didn't help things. Plus there were so many younger guys with no problems in the shop gawking at me when I did go in, kids are so insensitive. My barber actually told me the story of another barber in the shop, who is 30 something and was actually made fun of by some kids because of their perceived imperfections of his hairline, that scared me even more.

Thank God that my barber is a very close friend of mine and he actually visits with me at my house to cut my hair, usually on Fridays; afterwards we usually go and hang out (he has some hairloss too, at a younger age, but his dreadlocks mask it, if that means anything to anyone). I do realize; however, that this probably will not be able to continue forever, as I do have some higher aspirations and intend to move away from my current location to pursue better job opportunities at some point, this is avoidance and it is probably very unhealthy.

Also, thank God for my wife, who is one of the most genuine, beautiful, and magnanimous individuals I believe I have ever met; who, I think and hope will love me regardless when I do lose alot more hair. Although this hairloss crap is ultimately my issue and my issue alone, I'm glad that I have someone to talk to about it, albeit as sparingly as possible so as to maintain that facade of manliness and unwavering confidence.

Just wanted to post my thoughts...........

Mens Rea

Senior Member
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Its sad

These are problems men with male pattern baldness have to deal with that noone else really cares about. We suffer in silence and its brutal sometimes.

Im lucky. My brother cuts me hair for me - its really simple and easy. I haven't been to the barber in a few years, last time i went they took too much of the top leaving it looking thin. Obviously i like to cut it in a complementary way and try not butcher the hairline.

My advice? Learn how to cut it yourself. Its simple. Buy a shaver and do it.


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I like getting my haircut. If my hair gets to long it looks bad. If the person cuts it just right along my hairline and blends in the sides the appearance of hair loss is greatly reduced.


Experienced Member
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Ok this thread takes me back about 10 years :) i remeber when i was 17, going to the barber was one of the things i enjoyed the most, i went in with messy hair (ugly) and go out with an awesome haircut (looking good lol ) :punk: as long as the years went by and my hair aswell, the enjoyment lessen with time untill it gotten to a point where i couldn't go there anymore... the problem was that my barber was my ONLY (!!) barber from arounf 15-16up to 24~ and i used to tell him im losing my hair, he used to denay it, he liked me alot, it was harder to break this relationship then any other relationship i had up to this point, he didnt want me to stop coming, but eventually it got to a point where i didnt need him anymore and in the last few years im doing my own haircuts, its not the best... but it IS the best with what i got left :dunno: .... i wish i could go back there someday again :sobbing:
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Thank you for everyone sharing their experiences....Smooth I can completely relate with being younger (for me about a couple of years younger) and going in to the shop looking busted and coming out gorgeous :gay: .....Now that is not so much the case.

I actually changed my hairstyle from keeping it pretty low to wearing it out is a short afro...when I was wearing it low, to me it looked like one could see the horseshoe thing, although noone else seemed to see it, it couldv'e been all in my mind. But when it's blown out so to speak, it seems as though I don't have too much hairloss at all, but I just don't suit this style at all as my forehead is now "large and in charge" of my face.

I think I will learn to cut my own hair, that way when I do move away, I can spare myself the embarassment of going to a shop.

Dudemon, I really feel for you man, sincerely; hair transplants may not be perceived as "manly", but predicated off of your situation that you described, it has to take alot of "manly" strength and courage to face the world daily and I honestly think you should be commended for that. I know from reading previous threads that you have a strip scar; what is your opinion on FUE? Would the back still look very awkward with that procedure and could you not get the back cut just a lil' bit low?

Again, thanks everyone for the responses........


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himynameisjustjohn said:
Thank you for everyone sharing their experiences....Smooth I can completely relate with being younger (for me about a couple of years younger) and going in to the shop looking busted and coming out gorgeous :gay: .....Now that is not so much the case.

I actually changed my hairstyle from keeping it pretty low to wearing it out is a short afro...when I was wearing it low, to me it looked like one could see the horseshoe thing, although noone else seemed to see it, it couldv'e been all in my mind. But when it's blown out so to speak, it seems as though I don't have too much hairloss at all, but I just don't suit this style at all as my forehead is now "large and in charge" of my face.

I think I will learn to cut my own hair, that way when I do move away, I can spare myself the embarassment of going to a shop.

Dudemon, I really feel for you man, sincerely; hair transplants may not be perceived as "manly", but predicated off of your situation that you described, it has to take alot of "manly" strength and courage to face the world daily and I honestly think you should be commended for that. I know from reading previous threads that you have a strip scar; what is your opinion on FUE? Would the back still look very awkward with that procedure and could you not get the back cut just a lil' bit low?

Again, thanks everyone for the responses........

I think you should be grateful for having a wife. I think a lot of the guys here would see through their insecurities if they had a women that loved them for them. Me included.

Im still at a stage where I can have a haircut and come out feeling relativly fresh luckily. I guess once you start obvoiusly thinning - thats when cuts arent so fun anymore. In general I like to keep my hair short anyway, so even with hair loss I think getting a cut is good. The short and neat look is the way forward.

By the way, anyone no what happened to UCman? He seems to have dissapeared. Respect to him, perhaps he has moved on. Still, I miss his deeply pessimistic dark view on things, negative, but he captured the misery of our situations so well.


Senior Member
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I do mine myself.
It's hard at first to get a decent cut, but after some practice it isn't that hard.
If I had all my hair then I'd go to the barbers.

I hope UCman is doing well. Perhaps he's decided to try to accept his baldness? His last few posts talked about how he realizes that the only way forward is acceptance.


Established Member
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i used to hate haircuts too. but then i got some one-inch clippers for my buzzer and they work out great. i use the no. 5 clipper for the sides and back, then a no. 7 clipper for the top. no it doesnt look 100 percent perfect. but its more than acceptable and i dont have to go spend money for a cut
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I usually get my hair cut once a month, and often feel a little apprehensive because sometimes I get a good result and sometimes I don't (sometimes I suspect the quality of haircut I get is related to the quality of banter I give). A middle aged, friendly woman cuts my hair and she's never mentioned my hair loss but sometimes I can see looks of surprise or pity on her face when she notices it. You'd think hair dressers are used to balding men, but I guess it's the fact that I look about 17 apart from my hairline that makes it shocking. She used to thin my hair before trimming it, and I let her for a while. What a mistake! I remember a hair cut I got a year ago where she thinned it and cut it extra short...It looked like I'd experienced 2 years of hair loss in afew minutes! Why the hell would a balding guy need thinned?? After that I put a stop to it. Now she doesn't thin, and sometimes she cuts it taking into account where I'm losing and look better with a bit more length, and sometimes she doesn't. The unpredictability bothers me, but better the devil you know...