I looked at some old photos...


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Some old photos of when I was reasonably satisfied with my hair...and I came to the conclusion that I'm nuts! My hair wasn't that much better...and I'm devastated by it. Has anyone done that- looked at old photos and realized you've massively exaggerated the hairloss in your mind??

I know I definitely look better with more hair, but damn...just goes to show how relative it all is. Not just in your mind, but other people's reactions too- i.e. if you can adapt well to it then they'll perceive your appearance in a much more flattering light.


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The exact same thing happenned to me. I am not sure if I have massively exagerated my hairloss or if I was totally deluded by thinking it was OK.


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yes i have definitely done that at points. looked at pics and been like oh... my hairline has always been that high. only prob is really density and temples for me at this point


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I've seen I've had the same hairline since the end of high school when I look at photos from 5 years ago. It's just thinned out now which sucks.

My hair didn't look all that bad back then.