I might aswell be a norwood 7


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Hi, I just needed to vent,my hair is really strange, its receaded in the line that you see when you look at a man with a n7, (ie very low and especially low at the back),this n7 line is obvious when you look at me from the side. But I still have coverage on top , its thin compared to the sides but theres still quite good coverage.Enough coverage, so that when its buzzed it looks like i have normal hair.However If you see me from behind its a differnt story, I have a very very thin hair.Starting from my crown which is pretty much bald now , coming down its very thing and patchy.I really cant begin to explain it, if you ever see zidanne or jason statham from behind , think of a deeper hair-loss, all this and im 26, I look like im 76 to be honest, feels like f*****g sh*t.
So this is the thing that bothers me, to constanly walk about minding your own business, perhaps you catch the eye of a admiring gaze from an attractive female when she is in your close proximety, yet once you turn your head or she sees you from behind. GAME OVER SON.I have actually head girls say this, "hes cute", I turn around whatever, they see me from another angle "eurghh his hair wtf"
Seriously, this is my life,f*** hairloss its really ripped a massive chunk out of my soul, and now Im left with the crappy little shitty parts that make me me.
I really hate it, its crippled me, socially , economically romantically etc f*****g etc.

It feels bad man.

(Apologies, I just needed to vent.)


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Since I've started posting here I've said us diffuse thinners need our own board to post on.

My journey through hairloss is taking me from nw1 to nw5 in one step, I'd give anything for a temple recession ffs.

You arent alone and it will impact your life as it has others and your own, you just have to be man enough to accept it.


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recession is just recession, but diffuse thinning can make you look actually ill


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Aw dude its alright, I know its horrible. I mean, the options I suppose are a clever and fairly strong regimen, or a really good piece from somewhere like Hair Direct, they really are pretty great. It's not ideal I know, but then sometimes in life we need to make allowances for these things and compromizes :)

Hoppi :)


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Don't get a piece, you'll be ridiculed for it to now end. Not to mention, that girls will percieve it as a sign of insecurity. Some open-minded people wouldn't care less of course, that much is true.

Also, you'll always be on edge in social situations, wondering if people are going to find out... and for the people who are close to you or around you often, it will probably only be a matter of time until they do.


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I dunno man I wouldnt say that, there are some great looking ones on Hair Direct :) I think the guy on there I always show people is Ron - his Hair Direct hair looks absolutely great to me :) I think everyone should be able to look however they want, and if that means a piece, then fine!

uncomfortable man

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Then keep your head shaved. At least you still have a frame for your face and believe it or not that goes a long way. The real visual impact and the beginning of feeling the stigma of baldness happens once you loose that framing hairline. It throws all the proportions of your head/face out of whack.