I moved to another state to conceal my hairloss


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My little story really began about 4 years ago when I was living at home with my parents and fellow siblings. I grew up in a family who was renowned for their good looks and ultra thick hair, I felt incredible pressure to disguise my hairloss. Most of the time I would just throw on a baseball cap and it was a great short term solution, but the cap wearing became more and more extreme, to the point I was wearing it the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to sleep. People were beginning to notice. I would only remove my hat when I knew 100% no one could see me for fear of being laughed at or people thinking im ugly or unattractive. At this time I was on no meds whatsoever, I had not even heard of propecia, although I had heard of Rogaine. I actually drove 2 hours out of town, to find a completely anonymous obscure chemist, so that I could purchase some Rogaine without fear of being recognized. It was truelly one of the most embaressing, stressful moments of my life, bringing myself to pick up that packet of Rogaine off the shelf and present it to the cashier. I mean could you imagine a young baby faced guy in a baseball cap buying Rogaine? Needless to say I was sweating profusely, then the cashier proceeded to tell me all about Rogaine. I was thinking damn! Just shut up so I can get the f-uck out of here! If only I had a credit card or new more about ebay and the internet at the time I could of saved myself alot of trouble! Anyway I began to use this liquid minoxidil on my hairline and I was incredibly optimistic about my prospects and what it could do for me, until a few weeks later when my head started shedding MASSIVE amounts of skin. I was at breaking point and the constant baseball cap wearing was actually giving me headaches. I had become completely anti social, avoiding friends and family, skipping my univeristy classes and staying in my room practically all day claiming to be "studying." Then one morning it happend. I just woke up and in a snap decision I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off all my hair and used a razor to shave my head completely bald. I looked in the mirror and actually cried. No way I could face my family or friends looking like this. So that very moment I packed my bags and within 2 hours of packing I was on my way. I drove across two states with only $200 in my pocket. I wanted a new life. A life free of the pressure of having GREAT hair and peoples expectations. It was one of the most liberating things I have ever done in my life. It was hard at first, but I dont regret it. I sacrificed everything for my hair, family, friends and a really good university position. I have learned alot since that day, namely how little people actually care that you're walking around with a bald head, I made new friends and even found a job, I was no longer ashamed. I saved up for a computer and internet and began researching hairloss treatments and 2 years ago I got on Propecia and in the last year Rogaine Foam. Since then I have had some good re-growth and maintenance. Turns out my hairloss was not as bad as I originally thought it was. But going from having such thick hair through my teens and having it turn whispy thin, was quite a shock.


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With that attitude of defeat, and willingness to run from your problems, you'll never be free.


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metalheaddude said:
My little story really began about 4 years ago when I was living at home with my parents and fellow siblings. I grew up in a family who was renowned for their good looks and ultra thick hair, I felt incredible pressure to disguise my hairloss. Most of the time I would just throw on a baseball cap and it was a great short term solution, but the cap wearing became more and more extreme, to the point I was wearing it the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to sleep. People were beginning to notice. I would only remove my hat when I knew 100% no one could see me for fear of being laughed at or people thinking im ugly or unattractive. At this time I was on no meds whatsoever, I had not even heard of propecia, although I had heard of Rogaine. I actually drove 2 hours out of town, to find a completely anonymous obscure chemist, so that I could purchase some Rogaine without fear of being recognized. It was truelly one of the most embaressing, stressful moments of my life, bringing myself to pick up that packet of Rogaine off the shelf and present it to the cashier. I mean could you imagine a young baby faced guy in a baseball cap buying Rogaine? Needless to say I was sweating profusely, then the cashier proceeded to tell me all about Rogaine. I was thinking damn! Just shut up so I can get the f-uck out of here! If only I had a credit card or new more about ebay and the internet at the time I could of saved myself alot of trouble! Anyway I began to use this liquid minoxidil on my hairline and I was incredibly optimistic about my prospects and what it could do for me, until a few weeks later when my head started shedding MASSIVE amounts of skin. I was at breaking point and the constant baseball cap wearing was actually giving me headaches. I had become completely anti social, avoiding friends and family, skipping my univeristy classes and staying in my room practically all day claiming to be "studying." Then one morning it happend. I just woke up and in a snap decision I grabbed a pair of scissors and cut off all my hair and used a razor to shave my head completely bald. I looked in the mirror and actually cried. No way I could face my family or friends looking like this. So that very moment I packed my bags and within 2 hours of packing I was on my way. I drove across two states with only $200 in my pocket. I wanted a new life. A life free of the pressure of having GREAT hair and peoples expectations. It was one of the most liberating things I have ever done in my life. It was hard at first, but I dont regret it. I sacrificed everything for my hair, family, friends and a really good university position. I have learned alot since that day, namely how little people actually care that you're walking around with a bald head, I made new friends and even found a job, I was no longer ashamed. I saved up for a computer and internet and began researching hairloss treatments and 2 years ago I got on Propecia and in the last year Rogaine Foam. Since then I have had some good re-growth and maintenance. Turns out my hairloss was not as bad as I originally thought it was. But going from having such thick hair through my teens and having it turn whispy thin, was quite a shock.
i can relate to that story 100% ,that is how i feel ,everybody always commenting on how good looking i am and now i am losing my hair ,my looks will dissapesr,i mean if this happenned at 40 then no nig deal but 26 ,f*** off god


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wow. what a messed up story. so do u still avoid ur family/friends. so what do they say when ppl ask about you? "oh..he moved cuz he was going bald".

i wis my family was reknowned for thick hair...your family must be a proud.

that's too funny.


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Yeah it is messed up. But I wasnt running away from my problems! (well maybe a little) But just for record it wasnt 100% about my hair. YES my hair was a BIG part of it, but I had also never lived out of home and I was craving a change/adventure. And of course I still see my family and friends! Once my hair grew back, I suprised to see how much healthier it had become, because I was under less stress to conceal it and my head could actually breathe and get some sun light on it! Then I got on propecia and meds and yeah I kept in close contact with family and friends via the internet and phone but I didnt visit them for two years! They didnt suspect it was related to hairloss. Trust me. I was VERY good at making it appear like a i had more hair than I did. Then when i returned 2 years later my hair had improved greatly and actually looked normal! But i still found myself concealing it to a certain extent, but not as much, because of my improvements and I was kinda over it by then and grew up. It was a learning experience. The mental impact of hairloss is incredibly underestimated in society. As Antonio mentioned, all my life people commented on my great hair and good looks and having to face those people with thinning hair was extremelly difficult. I dont expect people to understand, but im glad Antonio666 can relate. I made the right choice. I don't regret it for a second, getting away from that enviroment was a healthy thing to do.


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damn what a story, I am glad your hair is getting better and you got your life back.


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dude...being bald in front of your siblings is not really a big deal. I mean they are your family after all. Though you might different from them, I believe they wont made fun of you.

and plz don't let your hair loss 'consumed' you...though I know its tough to lose hair at your current age. But life is more than just hair. you get to live once and live it to the fullest.

Gd luck bro


metalheaddude said:
I can assure you its 100% true. Perhaps im abnormal.

No, you're a genius. It takes real balls to do what has to be done to deal with a situation, regardless of what it is.

Hats off to you bro. No pun intended.


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metalheaddude said:
Hulk Hogan said:
this can't be true.

I can assure you its 100% true. Perhaps im abnormal.

"OH No You Didn't!"
