I Need Help 20m,think Im Diffuse Thinning. Low Density And Nearly No Volume On Hair


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Hi fellas,its me again with one more video exposing my left temple,the area of concern.


So as you can see,i have a high hairline,which is okay,since i always had It. But having a high hairline plus low density on temples makes my hair look worse than It actually is and hard to style. You can see in the video,many miniaturized hairs at temple area,my hair is thin asf overall too. So i Wonder If i take finasteride,can i expect regrow on these areas? I know my hairline receded because i cant do an emo fringe anymore,when i was 13/15 i was able to, without pulling hair from sides of the Head


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Do you think its diffuse thinning or male pattern baldness

Diffuse thinning and male pattern baldness are most of the time similar. If you want to put your heart at ease, go for a nutrient deficiency check-up like thyroid levels or vitamin D.

The sooner you figure out your situation, the better.

Here For the Lulz

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Diffuse loss is everywhere, male pattern baldness is loss that proceeds in a predictable, localized pattern, hence the name. Loss that begins at the temples or crown is the hallmark of male pattern baldness. If you have diffuse loss there is no way to tell from that video; we have nothing to compare it to and it doesn’t show much of anything except one temple...

Honestly, this looks more like BDD than male pattern baldness.