I need help i am getting mixed advice from doctors



Ok so I have been on here for a little wile asking questions and learning a lot, I went to a dermatologist today and when over my plain of attack with him and I would like some advice. I started using minoxidil about 2 months ago really as more of a preventive measure then anything else, after about a month I started to shed really bad so my doctor said that I should add Proscar so I did, another month went by and the shedding got worse my hair has thinned really bad at the front and the shedding is showing no sign of stopping, I went to a dermatologist today and he has told me to stop using minoxidil that I did not need it in the first place but to keep on the Proscar.

So here is my problem I have shed a lot of hair do to the minoxidil or so I have been told and now I am stopping it, will the hair grow back or and I F%$ked .

Is there anything else I should take to help thicken my hair or make it grow back or should I stay on the minoxidil ?

i was worried my hair line at the front was decreeing so that where i was putting the minoxidil really no big deal norwood 1 if. now i would like to regrow what i have lost since starting the minoxidil but would be happy with keeping what i have.

Miniox 2 months "my doctor put me on a cream 195.5 glaxal base 2% minoxidil .5 retinoic acid once a day and after 6 weeks switch to 3 times a week"

Proscar 1 month

I am thinking of strangling my doctor next time I see him.


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If you would do your research you would know that shedding means the stuff is working. You will shed off and on the first year, but you have to ride it out. Since you have started minoxidil stick with it, and keep taking proscar. It will get better.

You also MUST use Nizoral, no ifs ands or buts about it. You may want to add folligen too since that stuff helps me a lot.