I need help my friends


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Im 26 years old, im a musician, i have been having hairloss since years now, i started 2 months ago to take finasteride 1mg x day and minoxidil 5% twice a day. i really think i need a transplant. i ve lost a lot of hair and i depend of my image, i need to have a good image to work in this industry. so, i ask you. do it really works? it will be succesfull and that hair will neve fall again> what you suggest me? thank you, i really need ur help/here is my pics


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I understand your worries and your hair loss must feel awful. I'm pretty much the same age. I've been using fina for 2 months aswell, mino 9 months and keta shampoo for 2 months. I have been thinking about a hair transplant as well, but i'm glad someone talked me out of it.

You have been losing hair for years now. What if you would have had a hair transplant 2 years ago. Filling up what you had lost at that point. Try to imagine how your hair would look now. There is a good chance it would look pretty strange. If you would have decided to take the FUE transplant your hair might have receded further before the rest has grown back to its regular size and FUT still leaves a scar.

26 years is a bit young to get a transplant to begin with, but at least you should wait till it stabilizes, before you get a transplant.

In the mean while, look around these forum to maybe further complement your regimen if you are really desperate for faster results.

Just my advice, take it as you want.


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Thanks my friend! how can i complement my regimen? im really desperate!
and what about you? did u notice any change?
somebody told me using minoxidil and finasteride will stop my hairloss while i use them. is that true?


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Unfortunately you can't be sure. For some it will, for some it won't. The big three are Mino, Fina and any ketaconazol shampoo. If you are doing that, you are doing just fine. You can still get a good head of hair with some luck, just by using these three.

HairlossTalk's recommended treatments, in order of Proven Effectiveness, greatest to least, is as follows: (1) Propecia (2) Rogaine (3) Tricomin (4) Topical spironolactone 5% (5) Revivogen (6) Crinagen (7) Folligen (8 ) Everything else.

There are other ways to battle hair loss like dutasteride, RU and more. For now i would stick with the big three, no need to go to the more "experimental" stuff just yet. It will take at least 3 months to notice any progress.

Harmless additions might be vitamins like biotin and you could think about dermarolling. Can't do much harm, but if it actually does a lot against hair loss i'm not really sure. The vitamins at least make your hair healthier and the dermarolling will get the minoxidil closer to the follicles, don't do the whole wounding dermarolling, it's scary.

Take a look at http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/85991-9-months-big-3-good-progress for vitamin use

Take a look at Nanogen Fibers(fake hair fibers), maybe this can help you a bit during performances although it won't cover up temples and receding hairlines i think.

Last but not least, i am not an expert. What I mention above is a good start. There are more intense treatments, which may work even better. Perhaps someone can give you more advice. I just want to give one tip: Don't rush into everything just because you are desperate. What i mention above is pretty safe stuff and than you are already messing with your hormone levels with Fina(watch the side effects of fina). Your health should always be your first concern. There are treatments that could harm your body and your mind. Always take a well thought through decision and look for other sources to confirm what you have read.

For me no progress yet, you can read my story here: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/interact/showthread.php/86707-26-losing-hair-attack-mode-on


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WOW, thanks a lot for your answer and your help, i really appreciate it! hope to have progress cause i dont wanna be bold. i wish you a fast and strong progress too! thanks again


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Keep up that regimen bro and I'll bet you back to the likes of a NW3-2, all the thinning will fill out in no time with minoxidil and finasteride.
Honestly I bet you'll see amazing results, in maybe a good 9 months- to a year. Just go to keep it up.
Then maybe after you feel like you've gotten all the regrowth you're going to get. Get a hair transplant!
Just got to be patient, I know it must be painful.


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Yes its painful but i will keep that regimen! thanks
Another thing where it is cheaper to get the finasteride? here i have to pay 69 dollars for 30 tablets 1mg on the cvs pharmacy.
ive seen on the forums people say they take finasteride 1.25 mg? where they buy it? here theres only 1mg.
thanks bro


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Yes its painful but i will keep that regimen! thanks
Another thing where it is cheaper to get the finasteride? here i have to pay 69 dollars for 30 tablets 1mg on the cvs pharmacy.
ive seen on the forums people say they take finasteride 1.25 mg? where they buy it? here theres only 1mg.
thanks bro

Try proscar 5mg. It's very cheap. About 10 dollars euros for 100 days worth. You need a pill cutter to cut it in four pieces. I believe it is prescribed for prostate problems, but it's exactly the same. Maybe your doctor can subscribe it for you. Try that before you get it off the internet. Otherwise make sure it is from a trustable online shop.