i need help with my frontal and temple


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i know this has been ask a million time. but i need to know which is good for my frontal temple. i could actually see the line that starts from one temple to the other. i have been using minoxidil for 10 month now, and finasteride also and my hair mid to back is really healthy and nice but my frontal keep getting better and worse. but now is worse, especially today, that my scalp on my temple is so visible. can anyone tell me what else i could use besides that.

Molecular Help

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Not what you're looking for but what the hell....

I don't think you're going to get any answers on here for that question. We here at HairLossTalk.com only actively promote the big 3. If you're using them then you're getting the maximum benefit dude! You just have to accept hair loss treatments for what they do.... delaying the inevitible. Works better for some than others, naturally, but they remain our best weapons. Let's look at some of the other things you could add. None of them are proven to work better than the big three though.

1. Dutasteride: more powerful and expensive than finasteride. Probably higher risk of side effects. Also there's a disturbing trend I've noticed (purely by using the search feature on this webisde) where people using dutasteride experience a bad frontal shed. Definitely not what you need my friend! I don't see why it would do this, possibly because both finasteride and dutasteride seem to cause dht affected hair to shed initially, and I believe frontal hair is more susceptible to dht induced minataurization. Since dutasteride is more powerful, it makes sense that it makes you shed more. Should grow back though, but anecdotal evidense on here seems to indicate its not quite that simple.

Plus we know less about its effect on the body than finasteride... little to risky for a cosmetic problem.

2. Revivogen: Definitely a good product! Will it help your problem>? Maybe. Everyone is different. It may be just what you need to push you over the edge and get better results, or it may not do much for you besides help hold on to you hair. Depends on how much money you want to spend on this hair loss sh*t. Also more time for another topical. Can't hurt though.

3. spironolactone- Pretty much the same situation as revivogen! It could help, but no one knows if it will help you. Are you looking for people who have used a given treatment and had it work for them>? There's someone like that for every product, but that doesn't mean it will work for you. HairLossTalk.com uses spironolactone cream, so do jesusfreak and thegardner on here, all as a part of their regimen all with positive results. Others have used it and not been happy with it. From what I understand, it smells bad if you apply in the same area as minoxidil.

There are other treatments that probably work, like RU (RU####, im not sure of the numbers) and flouridil (not sure of the spelling), both topical androgen receptor blockers I believe. No scientific data and even less people actually using them who can tell you if they're working for them, which still wouldn't help you know if it works for you :cry:

Sorry, but when the cure comes we here at HairLossTalk.com will be the first to know!

Until then we can all use the big 3 and other less proven treatments with varying levels of success, but we're all different, there's no definitive answers.

Sorry if I'm wasting your time but I didn't want you to get pissed if no one answered you. Good luck dude.


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Dr. Lee sells some 15% minoxidil formulas as well. I haven't tried them, but he claims they work better on the temples and frontal hairline if you haven't had success with 5% minoxidil.


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Your best bet is propecia for now. I been on it for 16 months and I got some of my temple back by using it. I would not use minoxidil only use it if propecia is not working for you anymore. Which you dont want to cold turkey it because your hair will fall out with every thing that minoxidil help with. Cut back over time and keep using less until you stop completely. Add nizoral 2% shampoo once every other day or every 2 days. That's what I'm doing and everything is still going good for me. It may or maynot help you but propecia is your best bet for temple although it's not FDA approve for temple or frontal, only in the back.

Molecular Help

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My Regimen:
minoxidil (generic) 5% 2x day
nizoral 1% 2x week
xandrox 15% 1x day
procar 1.25mg 1x day
centrum multivitaments 1x day
biotin 2x day

He's already on the big 3 guys.

I already told him there's no way to add anything guaranteed to work better beyond the big 3. Sure Revivogen, Dutasteride, and spironolactone all have observed positive effects, but there's just not enough data to justify them being reccomended. Furthermore, just because a treatment works for one person doesn't mean it will for another. All you can do is research and decide for yourself- no one person can possibly tell you if something will work.

Am I telling it to this guy like it is or am I way off?

Molecular Halpular


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between 3-5 month, almost all my hair grew back, i was so happy, but now after 6 month it has been hell, shedding since the 6 month until 10 month it has left me pretty bad in my temple and frontal. and i haven't stop my regimens. shed still continue. everytime i apply minoxidil and massge my scarp a little i get about 10 hair in my fingers. i'm gonna still use it cause what do i have to loose if i'm going to be bald i won't go with out a fight. but i can't believe my hair looked so good about 4 month ago, and now it look like crap. also since i started, i get a lot of irriration in my scalp, flakes (and it was from the first time i started minoxidil until now) if that mean anything, also when i have sex, (about everyday) and i COME, right away i get this tingling itching sensation in my frontal only (also if that means anything) i felt that sensation, a long time ago, when i did not use any regimen but i was loosing my hair. weird.