I need some positives



I'm 100% full of negativity at the moment.

I've now taken to gambling.

I've lost £250 on Baseball betting this weekend, and I feel 10 times worse.

No light at the end of the tunnel.

Diffused hair loss, forced to shave my head, perceived as a criminal, never committed a crime, perceived as a druggie, never smoked a cigarette, crap job, wear cap all the time, depressed all day, think about hair loss 24/7, been held back severely, lost confidence, self esteem, try to hide this by putting on a brave face, have no money, in debt on my credit cards due to betting, lost any motivation I had because of everything that has gone on this last year, don't have that feeling of enjoyment, lost passion for the team I support in Arsenal, no real friends, no understanding of how hair loss effects a person in the people around me, put crap 1 (minoxidil) in my hair every morning for the last 7 months with no results at all. Put crap 2 (spironolactone) in my hair every morning, to not only make my hair look bad, but smell bad as well.


I broke a mirror at Christmas time.

I'm not superstitious, but every that can go wrong, has gone wrong.

My life is a total disaster, and it revolves around 1 thing.


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Well Gunner,

first of all, it's not ALL bad - the Arse are currently making Everton look a pub team and just about looking like the most entertaining football side to ever grace the Planet.

Secondly, sounds to me like there may be something deeper going on with you than just simple hairloss. Doubtless that's a factor, but your depression is unlikely to be so simple and the hairloss is probably what you've focused on as being the cause. Your coping mechanisms are but a temporary relief which ultimately only serve to enhance your problems. I'm not trying to be patronising, but you should consider counselling because you seriously need to find some positives in your life, or at least a way of striving for some because that is where you find your lost confidence from. Counselling isn't cheap, but it is at least worth you going to your Doctor and asking to be refered to one. You will only get 6 sessions or so, but it's free on the NHS and is both a start and a pointer to see if it's for you.

Again, sorry if I come across as patronising in anyway, and good luck man.


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No offense but I saw your pics of your hair and your hair doesn't look bad. So it receded a little. It's not bad at all.. really.
My sister is very sick with spina bifida and has been deformed and in a wheel chair for her entire life. I can't believe how some of the people act on this forum over losing a little hair. You need to look at all the good things in your life (like your health). You gambled 250 and lost. Is that because your going bald... I highly doubt it. LOL
You need to quit being so self centered. And be gratful to the many things that you take for granted.
Attitude is everything.. and yours sucks. :wink:

Shave my poodle

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Having a shaved head, especially in the UK, is NOT percieved as being a criminal. :roll:

Time to quit the whinning Gunner and give yourself a kick up the arse. Start lifting weights, going out for a daily jog, take up a martial art. Do one or all of those for 6 months and I 99.999999% gaurantee that you'll no longer be so bothered about your hair. You'll be a transformed confident person. Just takes effort.


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Look hairloss affects me a hell of a lot to the extent that I spend all day thinking about it and it severely effects my confidence and what I do day to day (including not wanting to go out with my friends, not wanting to see my girlfriends parents etc etc), and you know what, my hairloss is a WHOLE lot worse than yours. But you don't see me coming on here complaining every day like you do.

I hate it. But as far as I'm concerned, you never know when your time is up. You could die tomorro, and wouldn't it be a waste of time if you've been wasting your last days worrying about going bald when you ain't even gona be alive to be bald!

Live each day as it comes, put the worry off to another day :)

I already look like a f*****g N7 with a tiny bit of thin limp hair on top. But I try and put a brave face on it and act like it doesn't bother me when in fact it does a whole lot


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oh and yes, I have a shaved head (#2 grade), my hair is also very dark (wheras yours is light) so my hairloss really shows up. And I don't look like a criminal, who cares if you do, its not like you are one. Try cracking a smile once in a while, that might help.

I also work out a fair bit hoping to get a better body (whilst bald is never gona be in fashion, a bald man with a hot body is a damn sight better than a bald man with a scrawny body). I also do martial arts twice a week

And remember...your hair isnt even that bad for god sakes its in you head!

too bald too furious

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Man...your posts are very depressing to read. I think if nothing is helping you, just wear a hair piece and be happy.
God bless you!


It is also pretty much one way traffic with Gunner, I have never seen him post advice, information or support for any other poster here, it's just an endless stream of self pity which I could have some empathy with but when you see his hair you have to conclude that he is simply depressed.