i need your advice



Ok so I have been on here for a little wile asking questions and learning a lot, I went to a dermatologist today and when over my plain of attack with him and I would like some advice. I started using minoxidil about 2 months ago really as more of a preventive measure then anything else, after about a month I started to shed really bad so my doctor said that I should add Proscar so I did, another month went by and the shedding got worse my hair has thinned really bad at the front and the shedding is showing no sign of stopping, I went to a dermatologist today and he has told me to stop using minoxidil that I did not need it in the first place but to keep on the Proscar.

So here is my problem I have shed a lot of hair do to the minoxidil or so I have been told and now I am stopping it, will the hair grow back or and I F%$ked .

Is there anything else I should take to help thicken my hair or make it grow back or should I stay on the minoxidil ?

Miniox 2 months "my doctor put me on a cream 195.5 glaxal base 2% minoxidil .5 retinoic acid once a day and after 6 weeks 3 times a week"

Proscar 1 month

I am thinking of strangling my doctor next time I see him.


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why did you go on minoxidil as a preventative measure? minoxidil is not a preventative remedy. finasteride is. minoxidil is for regrowing.

what was your male pattern baldness situation prior to starting treatments? and whats it like now? these questions are essential to where you go from here. are you happy to maintain what you have? or do you need to regrow?

a possibility might be slowly phasing out the minoxidil applications (ie 2x a day to 1x a day to 1x every other day to nothing) and just staying on the finasteride. but this totally depends - you need to answer the above questions first.

good luck.


sorry i fogot that

i was worried my hair line at the front was decreeing so that where i was putting the minoxidil really no big deal norwood 1 if. now i would like to regrow what i have lost since starting the minoxidil but would be happy for keeping what i have.


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well personally i think you shouldve gotten on finasteride first, or spironolactone applied at the hairline. seeing as youve already started minoxidil...either stay on finasteride and minoxidil or stay on finasteride and try and slowly taper out your minoxidil applications.


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Well I must say, that is a bizarre regimen for minoxidil. Were it me, IMO drop it now.

I think I figured out what your Doctor did. Retin-A, is no doubt usefull for 2% minoxidil. This was usefull back in the day when we were desperate for regrowth. So I think what your Doctor might have done was read an online article about this years ago before minoxidil 5% was readily available and has perscribed this cream to everyone since then. It seems your Doctor was simply giving outdated information considering what we have in fighting male pattern baldness.

I will say this jkriley, reading all of your posts, I don't think I have ever seen a newbie do as much research and listen to a Doctor before posting questions here. That is awesome and I wish more posters would do that.


i was just told that the reasion why i may be shedding so bad is that i am not useing minoxidil enough 2% once aday is not enough.

I think i will cut it out all together and pray to the hair gods that what i am shedding will grow back. hopfully i have not done to much damage

I was told by another user i was useing such a small aount for such a short time that if i stop useing minoxidil i shouldl grow back all the hair i have lost from the minoxidil shed i hope they are right> :hairy:

no matter what i will stay on the prosar. please post what u think the more info the better


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hey, dont cut the minoxidil straight out. phase it out. otherwise you will lose all the minoxidil reliant hairs, it seems.


i dont think it will hurt i have only been on it for 2 months and from what i have been told i did not take enough

The Gardener

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JKR, you will regrow the hairs lost to the minoxidil shed. minoxidil does NOT damage hair follicles, but it DOES cause perfectly good follicles to eject hairs and cause sheds when you first get on it. It is a completely typical and normal phenomenon and it is not permanent.

Now, if you shed those hairs not becuase of the minoxidil but because you are in a heavy phase of male pattern baldness recession then that is another story... but the time frame of your shed w.r.t. your beginning minoxidil makes it seem very likely that you encountered a typical minoxidil shed.

I'd get off the minoxidil ASAP. It is NOT a 'preventative' weapon, it is a weapon for those who have areas of baldness on their scalp to initiate regrowth on those areas. Drop it now, get the chemicals out of your system and off your scalp ASAP. I'd highly recommend Propecia as a much better method of preventing further loss. And get off that minoxidil cream your Doctor prescribed for you. 2% minoxidil is sh*t, it's yesterday's news, the hairloss equivalent of putting a leach on an open sore, real old-school sh*t. Don't use minoxidil unless you have bald spots, or bald temples. Until then, give finasteride/propecia a chance to do its thing.

One thing about finasteride... you really have to be patient with it. Internal medications take a lot of time to work their way through the system, and it takes an additional 3 months for a finasteride-recharged follicle to grow a hair long enough to even be seen above skin level. Give it a year.


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I agree with Gardener. To maintain hair, finasteride is the best you can do, it's the marathon-runner of the MBP treatments.
I've read that a hair follicle is able to produce about 10-12 hair cycles. That would mean if you speed it up with minoxidil, it could be possible that you could "burn out" existing follicles that are not yet affected by DHT-miniaturisation. But this is only one theory...
