I plan on getting a hair transplant


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I am 20 years old and can t wait until my hairloss is stabilized so i can get a transplant. I am a NW2 and would need work in the front third of my head and temples. I am on finasteride now going into month 4.

My question is should i even bother with minoxidil if i plan on getting a transplant in the next 3 years? I know it would help out now, but if i get the hair transplant ill have all the coverage i need and no daily minoxidil applications.

I am 100% on getting a hair transplant, it is the only way for me to be 100% happy with my hair appearence. I have already hada consultation with Dr alvi armani.

Molecular Help

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What did he tell you at the consulation? To come back after your hair loss "stabalized"? What's his criteria for that? Did he give you a set age you would have to be for him to do a hair transplant?




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No, i can get the hair transplant whenever i want to. I just think that i should wait a a bit so i can see what happens to my hair in the next two years. My question is should i be on minoxidil during those years before my hair transplant or will it be a waste of time, and a commitment for life.


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Supposedly minoxidil is beneficial for you in two ways subsequent to getting a transplant. First, your non-transplanted hair will continue to fall out, and minoxidil will help combat that. Second, I've been told by Dr. Wolf that transplanted hair tends to grow faster and have a higher success rate if the patient is using minoxidil. It seems to me if you're going to use it anyway, use it now. That way you'll know how effective it will be for you.

Green Soap

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I don't know why you're hesitating, I'm LOVING minoxidil. Definitely works. I don't know why people don't want to use it. It IS effective. My hair is growing out like a Mah-fucka.