I quit minoxidil 3 months ago, was this smart?


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OK i started FIna like 3 years ago and i think its workd ok at keeeping what i got for the most part. Then i started minoxidil like a year and a half ago not because i thought i really needed it but because i thought it coudnt hurt. Well after a month on the stuff i looked like i was thinning bad in the back "crown" My girlfriend even said WTF i thought that stuff should help. Well i told her how it makes it shed and what not. Well after a year it never went back to the way it was before i ever took the stuff. So six months ago i started going to once a day and ended up stopping all together about 3 months ago.

WAs this smart to do? I dont no if its in my heard but i feel a little thinner in the back and i am wondering if i should start up again?

What do you guys think


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Sounds like you followed the rules and played it by the book. Even the folks at Rogaine, including the pamphlet that comes with it, say that if it doesn't work within 4 months, quit using it. Of course people who know better say to wait a year. So 1.5 yrs is more than enough time. You gave it your best shot. I say yes, you did the right thing.

Sucks that it caused a shift in loss in the back, though. Who knows what happened. I know a guy at work who told me that his hair loss came and went in spurts. He said he lost quite a bit in college, then the loss stopped for 4 years, then he lost more again, then another 5 years with no loss, etc. He's 50 now, and has an "okay" head of hair, mostly diffuse thinning at about a Norwood 3 or 4. But I guess that might be what happened with you. Who knows.

Good luck with just finasteride and nizoral.


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Thanks for the reply, i guess i just get nervous that it may have done more then i thought and by stoping i will start to lose alot. I started losing when i was about 19 and i was always worried when i was 21 i would be bald. Well i am 28 now and i have the same hairline when i was 19 but there is just a general over thinning. Its not bad enough that you would really notice just seeing me unless you really tried examining. I think i am lucky to have what i do right now, i think the Propecia has helped me keep alot and slowed down the progress. I just feel sometimes i should have kept on the rogaine to be better safe then sorry. I dont want to lose hair on the crown and wonder if it would have happened if i stayed on the minoxidil.