I regret going to a rock concert wearing my new hair system.



Last week I ordered one, just to see what they are like. I will never wear a system again!

I totally regret it. I was having such a good time at the concert, that I forgot I had the thing on. So what did I do next?

I started rocking, when all of a sudden, my system flung off my head and landed on the branch of a tree that was next to me.

I felt so embarrassed, as I was jumping up and down with a twig in my hand , trying desperately to get my system out of the tree.

Damn system wouldn't budge.

My mates and a few others were laughing at me.

I will never wear it again. Never. This is the last time I wear a system. Systems aren’t for me.

Bloody System left me in so much bother.

This is the kind of thing that we all fear.

And it happened to me.

I'm furious with Farrell hair systems for putting me through this.

It has made me feel worse about hair loss.

Bloody System!

Does anyone know wear to buy a new hair system?

I want to give them another shot.


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Oh dear it hasnt been a good week for you first off you wet yourself at work because somebody asked for a shed and now this!!! surely things can only get better.


bin the system and try back combing your *** hair over your head, thus creating that long, 'rocker type look.'


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His posts kill me, I tell you! Bit of light relief in this shitty situation.

Chelsea still got the Premier though.