I shouldnt wrote what i wrote


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Lately i've been writing stuff that i shouldnt. Selfish and provocative proses.

I want to say that i'm sorry. I've been very depressed. I cant even sleep. I said to my mom that i'm very bad as never before. She wants me to take a Valium before bed while i dont have the appointment to the doctor. But i'll not take because i fear about my hairloss. Anyone its lot worse. I lost greats amounts of hair.

You guys are great. You carry my nonsense with lot of support. You may not consider me as friend and i understand but you're great friends to me and i appreciate it. I'll never forget

I think 24 hours a day about her. Why i met her in first place? Why? Why our paths crossed?
My life is ruined forever. I lost the most my precious. I feel like Smeagol. Lost sneaking and snarling. I dont even know why i bother to wake up to go work.

Sun has cursed me forever. Thats for sure. I live in constant fear with slavish behaviour.
Bane is bounded to my soul :cry:


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I love his style of writing its like something from the dark ages "Lord why hast thou cursed me with this affliction"!

Seriously though I hope he gets better soon. I think he's a nice guy having a hard time adjusting to the pressures of being an adult in the modern world, and like Taug its made even harder (and more miserable) not not having any real mates to confide in or a woman for some comfort. Both these guys have zero self esteem, and yes they may use us for gaining sympathy (which sometimes is annoying and a bit pathetic) but dont be too hard on them we hav'nt walked in their shoes.


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How many men with NW4s or worse have to lead this country or command the Starship Enterprise for you to realize that hair loss doesn't make you into a different person?

Seriously, hair loss is unnecessary, emotionally disturbing, and sometimes aesthetically unappealing. But, that doesn't mean that it somehow controls the direction of your life and your relationships.

Some men are crushed by male pattern baldness. Fortunately for some, those same men have far too much vanity to begin with, so that's simply mother nature balancing itself out. Unfortunately for the rest, life just seems to get worse and worse. Don't let your life continue to spiral and get worse. Life is easy. It's the easiest thing you can do. You wake up, you eat some breakfast, go to work, maybe grab some lunch, go back to work, go home and eat some supper, and eventually you go to bed. It's the little things that you try to fit in there inbetween that totally screws up your perception of not only yourself, but your life.

Try making your life simple again by either ignoring that which hurts you or simply learning to deal with the problem, so you can move on. Simplicity overcomes the stressors of life.

Hair loss is not worth it. How many people on these forums have to somehow destroy their own lives, because of their own selfish desire for personal perfection before you realize that their particular path in life is not the right one?

Anyway, I hope you feel better. Drugs are not the answer unless you've physiologically progressed beyond saddness and into clinical depression. Then, you really do need to see a physician and speak with a counselor.

Good luck.


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i think that you are really starting to lose your mind
thats not funny in the least

Bald Dave

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IBM, let it all out dude! Nobodys here to judge you!

You seem like a nice guy thats very depressed. The world can seem daunting but it shouldn't be. Go get yourself some 'happy pills' and you'll have a more positive outlook on life!


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s.a.f said:
I love his style of writing its like something from the dark ages "Lord why hast thou cursed me with this affliction"!

Yeah lol, I love it too!!

Keep the chin up IBM


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haunted-ballroom said:
I really love this guy!!! IBM, you are a king!! I hope everything sorts itself out for you! :)

Why you love me? You think of me as a clown. I'm very bad. Dont tease me.


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askas said:
Do you cry sometimes? Is it bc of your hairloss? Are you sure? What's your Norwood?

Yes i cry. My hairloss is since. I got my top form 3 months ago but it all melted with acid. I'm 3.5 now.


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Looking at your regimen and your start times you might be undergoing a shed. Keep up that regimen. You should get better.


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Nathaniel said:
Looking at your regimen and your start times you might be undergoing a shed. Keep up that regimen. You should get better.

thanks a lot. Your words are like mist in Spring.


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IBM said:
askas said:
Do you cry sometimes? Is it bc of your hairloss? Are you sure? What's your Norwood?

Yes i cry. My hairloss is since. I got my top form 3 months ago but it all melted with acid. I'm 3.5 now.

you're on lsd??

man, if you're tripping on that stuff you surely shouldn't be giving a stuff about losing your hair.


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IBM said:
haunted-ballroom said:
I really love this guy!!! IBM, you are a king!! I hope everything sorts itself out for you! :)

Why you love me? You think of me as a clown. I'm very bad. Dont tease me.

No, I wasnt teasing you. I dont think of you as a clown either. I just love the style of writing.
I wasnt joking, I hope things do get better for you


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ginald said:
IBM said:
askas said:
Do you cry sometimes? Is it bc of your hairloss? Are you sure? What's your Norwood?

Yes i cry. My hairloss is since. I got my top form 3 months ago but it all melted with acid. I'm 3.5 now.

you're on lsd??

man, if you're tripping on that stuff you surely shouldn't be giving a stuff about losing your hair.

what do you mean by lsd?


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you said 'it melted with acid' - he thinks you mean as in the psychedelic drug.


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Keep the faith IBM. In the final analysis, it's only hair. There are a lot of worse things to lose.

Keep fighting the good hairloss recovery fight - but don't dwell on it.

Concentrate on improving other aspects of your life that you actually have some control over (work, school, excercise, relationships, travel, etc.)

(and stay off the acid man :)


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hair_tomorrow said:
Keep the faith IBM. In the final analysis, it's only hair. There are a lot of worse things to lose.

Yeah like the women of my life!

hair_tomorrow said:
(and stay off the acid man :)

Who talked about acid.

I'll take tonight i'll take two valiums because three days i cant sleep.

Hope tomorrow i'll be in bed all day having nightmares.

See ya.


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IBM said:
hair_tomorrow said:
Keep the faith IBM. In the final analysis, it's only hair. There are a lot of worse things to lose.

Yeah like the women of my life!

(and stay off the acid man :)

Who talked about acid.

I'll take tonight i'll take two valiums because three days i cant sleep.

Hope tomorrow i'll be in bed all day having nightmares.

See ya.[/quote:a32b0]

think you'd be better off taking acid than that valium. :freaked:


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ginald said:
IBM said:
hair_tomorrow said:
Keep the faith IBM. In the final analysis, it's only hair. There are a lot of worse things to lose.

Yeah like the women of my life!

(and stay off the acid man :)

Who talked about acid.

I'll take tonight i'll take two valiums because three days i cant sleep.

Hope tomorrow i'll be in bed all day having nightmares.

See ya.

think you'd be better off taking acid than that valium. :freaked:[/quote:cc7b0]

dont care what i loose? Hair is gone and girl is gone what matters?