I Stopped My Shedding With Beta-sitosterol Topically


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Okay guys before people come out to start hating me, let me tell you my back story. My old plan back in 2013 was Revivogen or Crinagen (id alternate) with Laser Helm with a good shampoo (keto or Revivo or Lipogaine Shampoo)

This old combo worked, stopped my shedding, I used to count hairs (had long hair). Long story short, life threw sh*t at me, I got depressed, and didn't give a f*** about hair. For 2 years I let the hair do whatever it wanted, until I got my spirits back up and went on a nice beach vacation. In the photos my gf was taking...I noticed my hair got horrible...just horrible...I was stupid for not staying with the regimen, but I was complaining on the cost of Revivogen.

I wanted to try something cheaper and new, so here is what I did. Everybody has been taking beta-sitosterol internally....which is great, but why not attempt it topically ? This is exactly what I have been doing for about 3 months. Id puncture a hole into the beta-sitosterol pill, and massage into scalp, then put globs of 100% coconut oil after and massage that in. Made my head look greasy and oily as hell, id do it before bed. Long story short...id see 100's of hairs for weeks and weeks. However just like anything it takes time. Now about month 4, ive noticed about less than 15 hairs when I shower, and about another 10 in the morning on awakening. As I did 2 years ago, I grew my hair long to easily count the hairs.

Again if somebody wants to try this, please feel free to message me any results. I'm also doing 20 min lasering every other day. I use Argan shampoo, to wash this greasy stuff out. Will I use revivogen again ? Honestly I will but with this idea I wont have to use it daily...I can stretch out that 3 month supply. Revivogen would be perfect for the days I need to go out into public without all this oil in my hair.

I'm considering trying derma roller too for some re-growth. Keep in mind folks, my old method never gave me noticeable regrowth, neither will this....im simply saying I'm no longer losing 100+ hairs a day as before. As always if it changes for better or worst ill return for an update. I don't come on the forums much because as before, life was great. I allowed a tragic event to stop my regime, and I'm kicking myself in the *** for it....I suppose I can get a hair transplant to help cover the lost ground I had.

Maybe one day hair-cloning will be a reality, until then I'm happy to share my beta-sitosterol + coconut oil regimen.


My Regimen
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Well, apparently beta-sitosterol works in a similar way to saw palmetto, meaning it is good for BPH.
I just wonder how it can work without any vehicle to penetrate the skin at least a bit.
Care to share pics of the improvement?


Experienced Member
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We dont see photos. We dont see progress. Say whatever you want. But placebo Sometimes works stronger than indegrients included in current regimens. Baseline + photos. :) In not less than 6 months timeline.


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Well, apparently beta-sitosterol works in a similar way to saw palmetto, meaning it is good for BPH.
I just wonder how it can work without any vehicle to penetrate the skin at least a bit.
Care to share pics of the improvement?

Exactly that is why I believe the coconut oil acts as a good carrier. Not to mention most things we put on our skin will get through atleast 4 layers, but hardly anything penetrates through the 7 layers of skin. We know this from various plants from aloe vera to poison ivy. Putting this extra on the scalp combined with coconut oil should get close to the 5th layer barrier. Honestly I wouldn't want anything to go through into the bloodstream anyhow.

Today I did another hair count out of the shower, about 30 hairs today, so alittle higher then yesterday, but way better than the 100's monthsh ago.


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We dont see photos. We dont see progress. Say whatever you want. But placebo Sometimes works stronger than indegrients included in current regimens. Baseline + photos. :) In not less than 6 months timeline.

My photos are in my profile from the last time I halted it, and as far as this bout, I'm sure I can find some photos. However everytime in the past ive posted before / after photos, I get accused of lighting, photoshop, blah blah blah. It honestly wouldn't make a difference, people will chose to believe what they want to believe.

For example, I can research that eating cupcakes all day is good for me...I promise you I will find a study that benefits me. I can also find that eating cupcakes all day is bad for me....and again i'll find studies showing that's the truth. Placebo ? Hey if placebo is what cures my hairloss then I can sleep well at night knowing that too. Photos can help for some, but for me I'm just noticing no more shedding, I wanted to share the results.

Here is the problem with most people, they take something for a few months then quit. They ingrained into their brains "big 3 or nothing". I have noticed in the past, with myself and Dr. House, our revivogen success started an uproar. The people that didn't like it, are those that tried it for 3 months, or people that are slick bald thinking its going to grow stuff back.

So ya I could post photos but nobody would believe me, because in my old threads in the past nobody believe me. Ive been accused of working for companies as well.

What alternative treatments in your opinion would be best ? I'm considering derma-rolling, and ive heard people talking about hanging upside down for blood flow, I'm still reading into that.