I stopped wanking - hairloss stopped.



I know that this is soooo controversial and even more embarrassing to bring up but I have to let you guys know.

I won´t speak for the general population.

1) chest hair is now growing soooo slow it´s beyond belif. I used to shave every 3 - 4 days. Checking right now and it has been 2 weeks since shaving and I would say that I´m at well day 3 in normal cases.

2) hairloss daily is at a minimum. I might notice 3 - 4 hairs during an entire day but that´s just because I had to write something, in honesty 1 - 2 hairs would be much closer to the truth.

3) I wash every third day - maybe 40 - 50 hairs <--- every 3days.

Regrowth - beyond my wildest expectations. I had an area I used to call the dead zone because it was just skin - it´s now got hairs.

So let´s talk science. There is no link between serum testosterone and DHT - I don´t belive this to be true.

What raises serum testosterone?

- weight lifting and the food that goes with weight lifting (proteins etc)
- sex? probably yes.

Here is a proposition. All of you with tender scalps - try going 1 month without weight lifting + sex and see if there is any changes - what do you have to lose?

Oh and my regrowth - not involved minoxidil.


Senior Member
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just a wild guess here but could it be that you're regimen is kicking in :)
nizoral (every 3-4 days) soak for 10mins.
Tricomin (1-2ml once a day, only vertex)
Xandrox (5% with Retinol A)

I think it's just coincedence my friend.

I've shed like crazy for about 4-5 months, now all of a sudden it's stopping and my hair feels stronger and thicker, and I haven't given up sex at all.


I stopped thinking about masturbation--but continue to masturbate--and I find that's helped me beyond my wildest dreams. Also: I've noticed fewer kittens being smote by God. Also: I was never good at basketball before, but now that I only engage in unpremeditated masturbation--which is to say occasionally public and frequently in the presence of family members--my jump shot rocks and I can even slam it. I'm five feet nine.

People: stop the masturbatory thoughts.

Just spank it.


I haven´t updated my regime in forever.

Xandrox kills my skin I stopped using it a 2 weeks after I got it. I don´t use any minoxidil.

Tricomin I haven´t used ever. Well the first two weeks maybe.

I use 1 thing besides finasteride and that´s spironolactone and only added it recently since I found the hairloss battle worth fighting.

I know it´s uncool but what the hell do you want me to say?! It´s just my own observation.


Experienced Member
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Asking me to stop jerking off would be like asking me to stop breathing.


If I don't get to play the pink trumpet at least 8-10 times a day, what am I do to do? there is only so much TV I can watch.....


Established Member
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yea asking me to stop is like asking me to stop drinking and partying. i am a college student...i cant not stop if i do life will be dull again!