I tell people I'm older than I really am (pic)

Captain Obvious

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How old are you?

This is the question that makes me more uncomfortable than any other question. I would rather tell someone my medical history and the size of my penis than answer the question of how old I am.

When I tell the truth and say I'm 23 I invariably get the same reaction. Their eyes widen as they inspect my head/face and they give me an empty "Ohhh......". If they're really tactless they'll even say what they're thinking, "You look MUCH older".

So if I know I'll probably never see the person again I'll tack on a few years. Usually I say I'm 26-27 years old or so. Whatever I think will be enough to avoid any further questions/comments on my age:looks ratio.

What really sucks though is I've started adopting the dress and mannerisms of a man even OLDER than that. Mostly because I am a mature person to begin with but also because the fashions of young people make me look ridiculous. "Like an old *** college kid" is what someone once told me. I'm really digging myself in a hole here because at this rate I'll be 80 years old by the time i'm 40!

(I attatched a pic, hope it works)


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I get quite jealous when I see people who look younger than they are.
I know a 24 year old who can pass for a guy in his teens easily. It's all in the HAIR.
he has a mop of wavy brown hair.

Then there's the 22 year old who looks 26-28 because of the receded, diffuse blonde hair (almost NW4). It's the frizzy, "pubic" curly type of hair that looks common on old ladies.

Shortly buzzed it doesn't look so bad, but he has it grown about 2-3 inches long - it ages him badly.

Even going with and without Toppik brings out differences in people.
You can feel it in the way people treat you (especially at work). If they think you're younger, it seems generally people are more patient with you and are more willing to forgive silly mistakes. Less so when they think you're older.
male pattern baldness drastically changes the appearance of those in their 20's. I'd say it can age you a decade in some cases.
Needless to say, Toppik is my friend.


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I know how you feel man. I'm 25 and ever since I was like 23 I've been acting and feeling like a 30 year old. I also tack on a few years to my age sometimes. Anyway, the good news is, eventually, when we're 40, a lot of guys will be bald or balding and so being bald will be more accepted. Sometimes I look forward to being 40 just for that reason.


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Hair loss definitely has an impact on how old you look. I have seen hair loss easily add five years to a person's appearance.

Before you start telling people that you are older than your actual age, and dressing as someone who is several years older than you would dress, can you provide more details on the extent of your hair loss?

I am thinking that there might be some hairstyles that you can wear that do not add a lot of years to how old you look.

Captain Obvious

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here's the pic i wanted to upload. I'm 23 and 3 months but seriously I look like an old man. especially in broad dayight.


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you may look old but your head frames very well with your face which are not tiny. you dont look bad bald.

somone uk

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i really hate this because i am 20 when i wear a bandanna everyone thinks i am 16-17ish but when they see my hairline they think i am like 27-28
my hairline adds 10 years to me :sobbing:


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Captain Obvious said:

here's the pic i wanted to upload. I'm 23 and 3 months but seriously I look like an old man. especially in broad dayight.

At least you are not ugly. I do know what you mean though, hairloss sucks.


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You are losing your hair but your hair loss does not make you look that bad. Your facial shape somehow reduces the negative affect that hair loss has on most men's appearances.


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I know how you gents feel. My hair loss is probably at an Norwood 2.5 or Norwood 3 at this point but it's thinned to the point that my hairdresser remarked during my last visit "we should make it look like you have got hair!" I suppose she was referring to the fact that it's started to get stringly when it's grown out and that she wishes to give the appearance of increased density by cutting it shorter in a certain fashion. Anyways, I haven't had many instances where people question my age, but last year I was a witness to an assault charge in the city that I lived in while attending university and I was on the security camera video.

Before I called in with information the police described me as a "youngish looking man." Now, being only 22 I remarked to my housemate "youngish?" to which he non-chalantly stated "because of your receding hairline." I was very taken aback by this and although he probably didn't even register that he had said anything wrong I was pretty hurt by this remark. I'm not trying to be a pussy but it can be difficult when people make commentary like that without thinking, mainly because it doesn't affect them.


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I was stopped by police over a week ago for riding a bike with no lights, I was wearing a baseball cap the cop asked me "are you over 18"? - I'm 35.


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you know what though, you say you look 26-27 but as you age you won't look older. I'm 27 and if I had hair, I would pass for a 20 year old. I don't have an aged face, I have a baby face. Just don't stress out and age your face and when you're in your 30's you will still look 26-27 even if you're bald.