I think I got leprosy (serious)


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I noticed a small scaly skin patch on the side of one of my fingers a 3 weeks ago. Liked like flaking, dry skin. The rest of my body is well moisterized.

Well, then it turns kind of an orange color, and is now about an inch long an 1/2 inch wide. The skin is still rough, as though callussed, except I don't know what would make it that way. The orange is so faint you can't tell from a distance, but I can tell up close it is definitely different from the rest of the skin. The skin is slightly raised and thick.

I thought it might be fungus, and treated it with nizoral shampoo. Works great any time my feet start to smell. Well, did nothing for my finger.

Well, I saw a movie with leprosy in it, and they can't feel pain. So I got a sharp pair of tweezers and poked myself. It hurts everywhere I poke myself, but not on the orange spot. I then tried some calluses at the base of my fingers, on the palms. They have thicker skin, but still hurt a bit when poked. If I really push hard on the orange spot, I can feel a little pain deeper down, but not on the surface where I left indentations.

So now I'm surfing the net for early warning simptoms, and they discribe my condition very well. They said it can look slightly red, slightly raised, rough, and have reduced sensitivity to pain in the early stages.

Some people cure themselves, others need treatments, and some have permenant damage, but it is best to catch it early. Over 3.5 million have it, and they are in all countries. People tend not to report it for fear of being quarantined, which makes it much worse. Leprosy is not very contagious, and the method of spreading is unknown.

So, I'm going to go online and see if I can order some leprosy drugs on the cheap, if they are topical. If they are internal, I'll go get a doctor instead. This is challenging because I'm completely broke and unemployed right now. I might qualify for state health insurance though. Not a libertarian thing to do. But if I were president, I'd let people use their income taxes to pay for any life saving treatments they can't afford. After all, what good are my tax dollars to them in 10 years if I'm dead. See, even in my libertarian world view, I'd qualify for loans to pay for this treatment.


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It can spread internal, as well as external, so if it is leprosy, I'd better get it diagnosed by a doctor so I can get the whole inside treated just in case.

If I cure the finger and don't catch the inside early, I could get messed up.


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I know hospitals have to give life stabilizing treatment, and may sent the patient the bill afterwards. But I don't know if they have to treat for early leprosy. I'd pay for it later. Just got to find a Doctor who won't charge me for a few months.

OK, found where I can get it online. It is $130 for a bottle. Still got to see how long that would last. I'd much rather inject it at the site, though oral does cover me if it already spread internally.

I read a report on early diagnosis. Early diagnosis is often inconclusive, and involves biopsies of the skin and waiting to see if it grows. The disease progresses very slowly.

But in advanced pictures I've seen, legions are all over the place, even though they are not touching on the surface, showing that it travels internally.

Maybe I should wait a month and see if it gets worse, before assuming it is leprosy, and then buy the bottle then.


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Never mind. I just read on wikipedia that dapsone is no longer useful against leprosy. Yet they still sell it alone online. WHO states only a 3 drug combo works against it, and is more expensive. Treatment takes 6 to 24 months to cure someone. I bet in my case it would take less time than that, though it is good to make sure it is all gone so resistance does not start. Wow, this could be expensive. I hope this is not leprosy.

Leprosy starts as hypo pigmented, and then transitions to light red. That is what mine did, except it is light orange right now. Looks carrot stained. No itching.


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OMG you don't have leprosy. It sounds like a wart.


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beaner said:
OMG you don't have leprosy. It sounds like a wart.

It is 1/2 inch wide and 1 inch long. No wart.

But, it might just be a strange callus. I noticed yesterday that while eating out of a bowl, my spoon rested exactly where it was. Same angle. So I think it is just an orange colored callus from the spoon being used so forcefully and often. I'll still watch it to see if it spreads or if others appear, but I'm no longer worried.

I'm glad I did not have the money to buy any anti-biotics that day.


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So I think it is just an orange colored callus from the spoon being used so forcefully and often.

Hmmmmm...................................did the screw driver handle break?


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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

see if you had the NHS you could have had this sorted by now!