My Balding-Brothers!
You c??!?! This is real initiative that's going to find us a cure one day. You're not bat sh*t crazy dude. Big pharma doesn't want us to organize and experiment, no matter how weird or out of the norm it might sound, give it a try. AND STICK TO IT!!!
I don't want to be apart of the Minoxidil and Finasteride system. because I know if I stop buying thier products, i will eventually lose my hair again.
This is retarded.
I know we're gonna find a cure soon. I bet you it will be something cheap and natural. Which is what the industry fears. They're riding on the fact that we're too stupid to pluck a plant from the ground and rub it on our heads.
I say everyone here should do what this brave man is doing and pick something no one has tried before (SAFELY!), and be human..... experiment!
I'm going to mix up some kind of liquidy solution made from the the skin of plants and trees that are covered in their own natural (what looks like) thick hair (Coconut shell, willow, or other tree bark, plants, even types of fungi).
Call me crazy too!, but I believe nature has all the cures. We (man, that is) are the suppressors, because of greed we don't want abundant cures to run a muck.
So I say STICK IT TO THE MAN! Lets get to work and find something that shows real results!