I think I screwed up my hair transplant.


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After years of research and saving I finally pulled the trigger on about 3,200 graft hair transplant. Everything went great and I loved the doctor but on day 4 it said on my post op procedure paper that I could start running a light shower on my head and I am afraid the water was too hard and made lines in my hair where it removed my grafts.

I talked with the representative from my doctor the next day and she wanted me to send her pictures so I did. She told me that the lines are normal and will disappear with crusting but I have never noticed anyone else with these lines so I think she was just telling me that to make me feel better.

I'm on day 11 now and have been trying to ignore the lines when cleaning my head everyday but I guess it's time to face reality and get others opinions on what I think to be true.


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Established Member
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It's a bit early to be worrying, wait 6 months and they will probably be gone and you will have a decent head of hair. Even if the lines are there you can style it to hide or go back and get them filled in.


Established Member
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At day 4, when you showered for the first time, by then usually the grafts have either survived or not. An ordinary shower shouldn't make a difference by then. Still, treat your scalp gently for now. Follow instructions, no cheating.

I don't know why you have lines... maybe no grafts were placed there? Maybe those grafts fell out first? (there is a dormant phase coming next, and you'll lose all the grafts for a few months. Very very rarely, grafts can continue to grow with no dormant phase). It's possible that your hair direction is just making it appear worse than it is, too. In the immediate post-op phase, were there grafts showing in those exact areas? Have you been noticing dead grafts on your pillow? (not just a hair, but with a little bit of skin tissue attached too?)

It seems like everything might be perfectly normal here, so try to relax and not worry. You should expect more of those hairs to go away, as you enter the dormant phase. Update us if you want to.


Senior Member
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If the grafts dislodged and wernt anchored in long enough you'd know. Most likely blood would be coming out. It would be very apparent.

Every surgeon gives different practise. I was told not to have a light shower until day 9.


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I didn't notice the lines until right after I showered. That's what makes me almost sure that is where they are from.

I'm wondering if after 4 days if there is any way that the water would have just knocked the hair off and not the bulb of the hair underneath my skin. I didn't notice any bleeding but I probably wouldn't have considering I was in the shower.

I definitely think 4 days is too soon to even considering using the shower. I highly regret it at this point and wish I would have waited until the 9 or 10 day mark. Saying using a shower with a light jet leaves too much play room on what is light enough and what is too hard I think this early on in the growing.


Established Member
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I'm wondering if after 4 days if there is any way that the water would have just knocked the hair off and not the bulb of the hair underneath my skin.

Yes, that is possible. And the most important part of the graft is the bulb structure, not the shaft of hair which emerges. Like I said, you'll be losing all those hairs at some point, during the dormant stage. They might not fall out at the exact same time.

When I was washing my head post-op, I would block the water spray with my hand, so it wouldn't hit my head directly. Or use a plastic cup to pour water over my head.

Hard to tell, but my hunch is that your fine. Your scalp wasn't oozing blood after the shower. You're not noticing dead grafts anywhere (small bits of dried tissue). Hang in there. I think your grafts are probably okay.


Established Member
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Lines are normal. stop worrying. The mention of cracks/lines was mentioned in my post op pamphlet as well.


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My Regimen
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you noticed lines after showering because your head has been gross and crusty for a week and just got rinsed. The water just moved the hairs around and now they are stuck in position looking like there are water trails.
Youll be fine, plus when the hair thickens and grows you will never see any of these even if ONE is still there.
If there is no blood, puss, or major huge empty spots then just relax and enjoy before you stress pop them out like corks lol.

Good luck, looks good! :)


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Yep no sense in worrying about it anymore because there is nothing I could do about it at the moment anyway. I'll be back in 6 to 8 months with some results.


New Member
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Looks good so far, unfortunately as these guys have been saying it will take months to realize the true effect


Experienced Member
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They did a nice job on your transplant and the scalp looks good. I doubt you lost any grafts either, it looks more like some of the scalp was cleaned on the areas that look like lines. They got nice coverage for 3200.


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yeah would love to see some updated pictures, that hair transplant looked done well and I reckon you should have good coverage overall.


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Here is about 2 months and 10 days in. I have been shaving my head every week or two now because it will look like **** if I don't. I figure pretty soon I will quit shaving it and let it start to take its natural course once I start to notice some regrowth.

The second picture is the night before my surgery.

It looks the same as it did before the hair transplant. I definitely have not noticed any growth yet.

I used my phone for this pic instead of my snap and shoot camera as my first pic and I know its sideways.

I've been mostly just trying to not think about my hair to pass the time more quickly.


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