I think it´s getting worse.



I don´t really get it.

First month I could swear that every day things where going really nice - I know that nothing changed except my state of mind.

Second month I was " I don´t really care, my hair is doomed and it´s going to be ok living with bad hair/shaved head "

Month three - second half was pure bliss - I washed my hair every six days and 1/3 of the hair that I used to lose when washing every three days fell out. Other then that my hair felt really strong, like I could put books on top of my head and they wouldn´t touch my scalp.

Month four (well a week from) - I´m back to washing my hair every three days (with nizoral) and seeing the same fallout as I used to every six days. But the biggest difference is that my hair feels limp again :(

This is a stupid conicidence I know but what changed the last 10 days was me getting back on tricomin. I felt that my hair was doing so great I decided to boost it just a bit more.

A fact that irritate the living hell out of me is that I don´t have an itchy, oily scalp - no redness, no pinkness no nothing!! I sometimes wish I fitted more into the profile of typical male pattern baldness - but I do and I know that I have a mild or that my follicles where originally so big and strong that it just takes longer for this plauge to ravage my hair.

I´m gonna stick with tricomin and add spironolactone and let you know how I do. But right now I feel like I´m losing the battle - and it´s strange because I really thought that I was a prime candidate for the regim to work.


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Stop analyzing your hair so much, it will drive you crazy. Oh yeah, and just stick with what you are doing, sheds are gonna happen no matter what, in general.