I think ive started thinning..


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f***. Its like I guess I thought this would happen, that it was inevitable in some ways, but its only once I feel it is happening that I can actually comprehend it. I guess you never know exactly if you will thin. There is an outside chance that everything will be fine. Or at least that your hair loss will be very slow moving.

But im 20. And I think I am starting to thin on top. This is devestating. I have made a lot of depressing posts on here, and that was all mainly due my recession my sides. I am sure I am about a 6-7 now. I used to be about an 8 or a 9. My facial features arent bad as such, but my hair was important in making me look handsome. Now I have a big wide forehead, and I look a lot more average. But I could accept that.

Now I feel like I am thinning. I can just sense it. My hair on top looks thinner when looking in mirrors. The scalp has become more visible. After I have a shower, it definitly feels more thin. And I can feel the sides are of a thicker consistency. Perhaps it has already been thinning for a while, but its only now Im starting to realise.

Whatever. My first chapter was recession in the temples and further into the sides. Now however, im moving into the second chapter. Thinning on top. Slight recession is nothing really in hindsight. No one really notices or cares. It still frames your face and generally you keep your attractiveness. But thinning..sh*t..

This is a whole new f*****g world. Soon it will become obvoius to others. Then I will have to consider shaving my entire head to a white dome. The reality of having no hair is almost upon me. Im not sure how many more years I will be able to sport my hair on top until it becomes obvoius. All I know, is that thinning looks f*****g hideous. And shaving is the only way.

I guess it might only be a matter of a few years. Maybe less. f*** this. Whats made matters worse is that in the last few years of my life, I had a pretty boy status. I used to get comments all the time. Over the past year or so they have been less and less. Its not like Im becoming ugly, but at the same time, im becoming an average joe, someone a women probably wouldnt look twice at. I seroiusly dont have the motivation for living in this rat race sometimes. So its very difficult for me to accept. That a few years ago I was this young good looking guy, who had women coming up to him all the time, and now Im a nobody like anyone else, with thinning on top to look forward to.

Seroiusly f*** my life. Sorry for the length, but this post marks an important transition in the progess of my hair loss.

Mens Rea

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Its tough, man. I'm not gona lie.

male pattern baldness is a sneaky motherfuka. It slowly decays your hair - the manner it does it like its a sadist or something. Drawn out pain. lol

Really though, by the sounds of it you are just at the tip of the iceberg. At 20 you're probably much like me (im 23 now) in terms of path. I could be wrong.

I had just beaten acne when i was 17 then i started dying my hair and styling it and stuff. I became vain and started doing well with women etc. Im an average looking guy but at the time i was making myself look extra attractive with my hair and careful grooming. Now as the thinning advances i obviously have to keep my hair much shorter. You'll have this same experience. It can definately hit your confidence at times but the worst part is always knowing its gradually getting worse and in my case i'll be pretty much shaved by 28 if not earlier bar the finasteride really kicking in

My advice - try be a bit less vain. I think the problem is guys who were vain and enjoyed their looks be hit the hardest because their confidence was fonded on their looks. I guess its up to us to havest some genuine confidence (and accept we probably lose a notch on the looks scale!)

Enjoy the ride

oh and - get on finasteride now!


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You've likely been thinning on top for some time anyway. Generally recession is accompanied by miniaturization on top, although it may take years to show up. It's pretty unusual to only recede - that's more a sign of a mature hairline.

My hair on top LOOKS as thick as the sides and back, but just pulling on it a bit and comparing the density shows that it is actually a bit thinner. It's especially noticeable in the shower - when I touch my hair on top, it feels like I'm grabbing about 50 hairs total. The back and sides feel normal and thick though. I still have full coverage, but I'd say I have very early thinning in a NW4/5 pattern. Which is typical, because by the time you hit NW3 your hair on top will have lost a lot of density anyway.

Get on finasteride if you haven't already. It is your only chance.


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I dont think I could ever get on finasteride or anything. Sure, I guess in some ways its stupid to complain and not choose to get treatments but its not as simple as that. In my opinion hair loss just drags out the misery and suffering, it even magnifies it and helps to build an obsession.

Being completely bald is something that I just cant fathom. But I would rather completely shave it then try and hold on to hairs looking like a ragged wet dog.

Even though the inevitable will occur, its not until you actually see it in the present that the reality of the situation hits you.

My confidence has dwindled since my hair loss has started. Im not sure if I will ever get it back.

Now my concern has shifted from trying to look perfect to limiting damage - preserve overall health, work on fitness and skin, diet etc.


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Why not use finasteride?


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Because then he couldn't be miserable about his hairloss :whistle:


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I believe that if you were meant to go bald, finasteride wont help you, it may slow the process and at best buy you another year or two, but i think its only good to a certain degree, finasteride and Rogain are NOT considered cures for baldness in my book, a cure would be something that GROWS HAIR BACK or COMPLETELY stops hair lose! we dont have either yet and as it seems only around 2020 something will come out to market, by then i'd rather save my money and health, but hey! if you like to pay good money for someone to f*** you up the *** then finasteride it is !!! ;) (oh and add rogaine - it stops hair lose lol :woot: )


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Obsidian said:
Because then he couldn't be miserable about his hairloss :whistle:

What so taking finasteride means you are no longer miserable about hairloss? Dont be so narrow minded. Bottom line is that I am against taking meds because they do not cure or even stop hairloss. They may slow it down for a few years, but in the long run they surely only add to your misery and obsession with hair loss.

Im not completely miserable about hair loss, im trying to deal with it as best I can, and to me that means letting nature take its course. Its not easy but that in my opinion is the easiest option.


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Smooth said:
I believe that if you were meant to go bald, finasteride wont help you, it may slow the process and at best buy you another year or two, but i think its only good to a certain degree, finasteride and Rogain are NOT considered cures for baldness in my book, a cure would be something that GROWS HAIR BACK or COMPLETELY stops hair lose! we dont have either yet and as it seems only around 2020 something will come out to market, by then i'd rather save my money and health, but hey! if you like to pay good money for someone to f*ck you up the *** then finasteride it is !!! ;) (oh and add rogaine - it stops hair lose lol :woot: )

This is exactly my point. My grandad and dad are both late Norwood'S. Its just something that runs in my genes, and at only 20, there isnt much point in fighting, id rather just go with the natural course of things, i think its less mentally stressful that way.


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Yeah you sure seem to be accepting this well. I have more piece of mind fighting this than sitting around and making topics like 'I hate myself today'. I don't see why you can't give meds a try. You obviously gave pot a chance, Lord knows that is pure :jackit:

Mens Rea

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u sound like me a few years ago

you're just a few sheds off completely changing your perception about finasteride. you say "a few years". You might be glad of a few years when you get further down the line


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Yeah, you really need to get on finasteride.

Honestly, once you notice the top thinning, it's like playing Super Mario Bros. and hearing the music start going faster. In other words, time is running out for your hair. I've been putting off dedication to finasteride for a while now because I thought I only had receding in my temples, but after spending a while really examining my hair, its clear that the top is going too. It might be 5-10 years before it's really visible (like a true NW4 pattern emerging) but I figure if I start now, I have a better chance of regrowing instead of just maintaining.

If hair loss bothers you this much, just take the pill. Provided I don't develop actual female breasts (although that could be fun) or my dick falls off, then I can deal with whatever. What I can't deal with is seeing my hair continue to degrade, and knowing deep down that its only going to get worse.

finasteride at least offers hope that not only will your hair NOT get any worse, but it might continue to get BETTER. For my own mental well-being, that's a pretty damn priceless thing to have.