i think that I got a problem...



...and its not hairloss.

the problem is following. yesterday i spoke to a friend who got transplants. he says "once solve the problem and then be fine" . i think that is what normal people do with a cosmetical problem like this.

but no...i stay here forever. i exclude people who come here to get information about hairloss treatments (which is not wrong to use them) and then disappear. that are the most. but others like me stay here.

i wonder why i do this... maybe im vain? i think no. its more. it has to do something with how i see myself and my confidence.

on another hand its interesting to see what people write in here. its not a "normal" forum. you know normal forums are about computer stuff, who becomes next president, what to do with envirement or about daily problems.

hairloss IS a cosmetical problem....on the first look... but for me its more.

thats why i come here so often and stay in here.

to come to a point. i wonder why i do this.

is it just coz this forum is so much more personal?

because i know some people here...you even can tell their personality...you are like friends...its not that you ask a question and get an answer. its a group. to help each other and to talk about problems...which are combined with hairloss.

but what i really wonder is...its a cosmetical problem and i do somethign about it... i do use treatments...

so why I always come in here?

maybe someone knows???

and somehow i "feel" its not coz its just interesting...i think i got an inner problem which makes me come in here so often.

damn... i should be doing other stuff ...or at least read and write in another forum which is not about hairloss!

so what is it? anyone got psychological knowledge.....or maybe i have to find the answer myself. :/

anyone feel the same way?

something i want to add...because i thought about it.

some days ago, i was watching tv with my little brother who is 15. he got perfect hair. and i felt somehow "damaged". ya, i think thats the right word.

f***.....im no teenager anymore...not in age and not in looks. sad but true. maybe that is my problem...AGEING. umm and i cant handle it. at least not perfectly.

probably everyone has problems with ageing. yes everyone but should that already be in your early twenties??? oh f***, why do i have to age already in my early twenties????

soon i will have to use botox!!!!! noooooo! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i thought about it again....hehe this is really getting a mindmap.

i think everyone got his/her little insecurities. and the internet is a good place to talk anonymously about it. and you find people who understand you there. :)

well...hairloss is not my only insecurity.

are insecurities normal??? and to what extend? how you overcome them? maybe equal them with a good body or something other?


Senior Member
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you know its just a hairloss forum. Don't take everything so seriously. I know, I know, easier said then done, but still!


askas said:
You piss me off too, btw you are going bald. :hairy:

and you are completley bald already? anyway everyone in here is.


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hair today gone tomorrow said:
[quote="Chemical J":c5ceb]Dude, grow up.

btw I hate your typing style. It just pisses me off.

I agree with this guy.[/quote:c5ceb]


Ive never actually fully read any of his posts, they're just a nightmare to read.


barcafan said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
[quote="Chemical J":c9d23]Dude, grow up.

btw I hate your typing style. It just pisses me off.

I agree with this guy.


Ive never actually fully read any of his posts, they're just a nightmare to read.[/quote:c9d23]

yeah... they are.

you know what... they really are a nightmare to read.



Senior Member
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ok so we all hate how he types...

neo1234 - there is nothing more normal than insecurities. you're not warped because you're worried about your hair. probably slightly obsessive, though i think a large majority of the people on this site would also share that trait.

find a treatment program you believe in, then stick to it. you'll find once you commit to a course of action you'll worry less about the hair loss itself.


neo1234 said:
...and its not hairloss.

the problem is following. yesterday i spoke to a friend who got transplants. he says "once solve the problem and then be fine" . i think that is what normal people do with a cosmetical problem like this.

I hope your friend is aware, that transplants aren´t the final solution for hair problems. He will still have to be on meds and pray that he won´t lose any more hair.

but no...i stay here forever. i exclude people who come here to get information about hairloss treatments (which is not wrong to use them) and then disappear. that are the most. but others like me stay here.

i wonder why i do this... maybe im vain? i think no. its more. it has to do something with how i see myself and my confidence.

on another hand its interesting to see what people write in here. its not a "normal" forum. you know normal forums are about computer stuff, who becomes next president, what to do with envirement or about daily problems.

hairloss IS a cosmetical problem....on the first look... but for me its more.

thats why i come here so often and stay in here.

to come to a point. i wonder why i do this.

is it just coz this forum is so much more personal?

because i know some people here...you even can tell their personality...you are like friends...its not that you ask a question and get an answer. its a group. to help each other and to talk about problems...which are combined with hairloss.

To me hair loss is definetly much more than just a cosmetical problem. Hair to me symbolizes many positive things such as youth or strength. You can get crazy hairstyles and such. Without hair you are inferior to other people with hair.

Well, I know my treatments and actually there is no need for me to come here, anymore. But still I do because I know I always find people with an open ear listening to my problems which, as you know, are not only hair related. I have to get a lot of things off my chest and HairLossTalk.com helps me a lot with that.

but what i really wonder is...its a cosmetical problem and i do somethign about it... i do use treatments...

so why I always come in here?

maybe someone knows???

Well, you come here because here are people who share the same problem. It gives you the feeling of not being alone in this world full of thick NW1s. We are all on the same level, baldies!

something i want to add...because i thought about it.

some days ago, i was watching tv with my little brother who is 15. he got perfect hair. and i felt somehow "damaged". ya, i think thats the right word.

Hair related you are inferior to him, you were suffering from your inferiority complexes.

f***.....im no teenager anymore...not in age and not in looks. sad but true. maybe that is my problem...AGEING. umm and i cant handle it. at least not perfectly.

Yep, same here, I have wasted so much time, missed so much experience. I never can get that back, you can´t turn back time.

probably everyone has problems with ageing. yes everyone but should that already be in your early twenties??? oh f***, why do i have to age already in my early twenties????

Well, actually I think it is normal, early twenties means the end of the youth, many can´t deal with that because they have to face that it is time to grow up.

soon i will have to use botox!!!!! noooooo! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

rather get on a good anti-aging regimen, pondle knows a lot about it and might help you out or go here:


i thought about it again....hehe this is really getting a mindmap.

i think everyone got his/her little insecurities. and the internet is a good place to talk anonymously about it. and you find people who understand you there. :)

well...hairloss is not my only insecurity.

are insecurities normal??? and to what extend? how you overcome them? maybe equal them with a good body or something other?

Insecurities are normal, I think. Everybody has some, but the extent I am suffering from them is definetly not normal though. A good body is a way to compensate insecurities but I have very bad muscle genes which makes me even more insecure......


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good on you for actually taking the time out to answer his post, rather than just b**ch on his VERY ANNOYING writing style. although it is VERY ANNOYING.


powersam said:
good on you for actually taking the time out to answer his post, rather than just b**** on his VERY ANNOYING writing style. although it is VERY ANNOYING.

Seriously, people should just ignore his posts if they don´t like his writing style or can´t stand him in general. It is not fair when someone opens his heart and then gets sh*t like that.


thank you very much powersam and taugenichts.

its nice to hear thoughtful responses which match to the post you make and not getting offended again.

ok, im sorry for my writing style. maybe its really annoying.

near my poor english...what is the most annoying with my writing style?

tauge, i dont have wrinkles or something like that yet. was more a joke.

and you are right, hair is more than just cosmetical and i think that is why i care so much about it. it stands for youth, power and many other things while on the other hand baldness is seen as old, a loser, unattractive. and yes, the bald guy is the loser guy. or the evil guy or something like this.

its no surprise that people make fun of baldness.


neo1234 said:
ok, im sorry for my writing style. maybe its really annoying.

near my poor english...what is the most annoying with my writing style?

You leave too much spaces between your sentences.

tauge, i dont have wrinkles or something like that yet. was more a joke.

Nevertheless you might look into an anti-aging regimen. Like with hairloss it is best to start as early as possible!


so my problem is now only a little insecurity.

if you keep in mind that i probably once got bdd coz of my hair and hided it which made a new bdd...then you can say i look pretty good now in my personality. :D

im improving. good thing. :)

hair today gone tomorrow

Senior Member
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neo1234 said:
thank you very much powersam and taugenichts.

its nice to hear thoughtful responses which match to the post you make and not getting offended again.

ok, im sorry for my writing style. maybe its really annoying.

near my poor english...what is the most annoying with my writing style?

tauge, i dont have wrinkles or something like that yet. was more a joke.

and you are right, hair is more than just cosmetical and i think that is why i care so much about it. it stands for youth, power and many other things while on the other hand baldness is seen as old, a loser, unattractive. and yes, the bald guy is the loser guy. or the evil guy or something like this.

its no surprise that people make fun of baldness.

just a week ago...you were saying how you finally accepted hairloss...


Established Member
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Lay off him. Thats the point to post about insecurities on this forum.

BTW your typing style is quite hard to read, it seems to be disjointed and very hard to follow.


hair today gone tomorrow said:
neo1234 said:
thank you very much powersam and taugenichts.

its nice to hear thoughtful responses which match to the post you make and not getting offended again.

ok, im sorry for my writing style. maybe its really annoying.

near my poor english...what is the most annoying with my writing style?

tauge, i dont have wrinkles or something like that yet. was more a joke.

and you are right, hair is more than just cosmetical and i think that is why i care so much about it. it stands for youth, power and many other things while on the other hand baldness is seen as old, a loser, unattractive. and yes, the bald guy is the loser guy. or the evil guy or something like this.

its no surprise that people make fun of baldness.

just a week ago...you were saying how you finally accepted hairloss...

i accepted it...but still im a little bit insecure about it. like ago i dont hide it anymore. thats a good thing.