I think this forum is counterproductive


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Hear me out.

When I read the more objective information about Propecia - i.e. the statistics about its efficacy, the low incidence of side effects, the millions of prescriptions currently being used, etc, I feel a lot better about my decision to take it and I'm hopeful that it will work for me. Ditto when I read the Success Stories forum - I probably wouldn't have ordered finasteride if I hadn't seen some of those before and after pictures.

But then I inevitably end up in the General discussions forum or Antiandrogen or here, and see a comment that catches my eye and causes me to lose all faith in the treatments. Somebody b****s about finasteride not working for them.....somebody says it made their hair loss worse......somebody says it made them impotent.....somebody says it gave them brain fog. So then I get depressed and check my hair more closely and wonder if Propecia is maybe making *mine* worse. Or if my dick isn't working like it was. Or if I have brain fog. And then I obsess over it and wonder if I should even be taking Propecia at all. Or if so, at what dosage. 1.25 mg everyday? 1 mg everyday? .5? Maybe take it EOD? At night or in the morning? AGHHHH. Enough.

I'm thankful for the information I've received from this website and others, but sometimes I do wish I had never found them. I wish Propecia's commercials never said anything about side effects, and I wish I had went to a doctor who said simply, "Take this everyday and you will keep your hair". No googling propecia/finasteride/proscar, no success/failure stories, no before and afters.....just plain ignorance and obedience.

I know it sounds extreme but I think its a valid point. For example, I'm about to buy a newish used car. I just test drove it and loved it. It looks great. It handles great. But then I got home and googled the make, model, and year and found all sorts of random reviews. Some were good. Some were bad. Some were nightmares. Of course, the only ones I remember are the nightmares. But what's the story behind these nightmares? Did the people buy the car knowing something was wrong? Did they service it correctly? Was it their fault? Are they paranoid or maybe just expecting too much? And will mine succumb to the same faults? Nevertheless, now I have doubts I never would have had if I hadn't researched it, when in all likelihood the car will be just fine.

I think we all know just enough to be dangerous.....to each other and to ourselves. Because of so much junk science, anecdotal reports, and paranoid/depressed posters, we're all making this into a bigger deal than it really is. Too much discussion about pointless topics that ends up doing more harm than good. Is there really a difference between .5 mg and 1mg? Oh, 1mg gave you a limp dick and .5 didn't - are you sure it wasn't a placebo effect? Did Propecia *really* hurt your hair or was it your genetics, or maybe your imagination? Too late, you've already posted about it and scared half the members here. Did finasteride really not work for you, or have you regrown quite a bit of hair that you can't see because of body image issues? Or maybe even maintained?

Sorry for the rant but since finding this place nearly a year ago I have been utterly consumed by hair loss, and I'm only a NW2. I'm making it into a far bigger problem than it really is. I know some of you really do have a noticeable hair loss problem, but you are making it worse by logging on here everyday. Because by posting here, you keep thinking about it and you keep it in the forefront of your thoughts.

I once wondered why there aren't literally millions of members on here or HairLossTalk.com, considering these places are top results for a google search of "Hair loss". Why wouldn't people register to learn more about it and ask questions? Then I realized that for most people it's 1) A cut and dry issue. They are losing their hair, they can take finasteride or not. Some do, some don't. Or, 2) It's a non issue. Why spend time researching, discussing, and agonizing over something that doesn't dominate their life (like it does for us). If hair loss was a massive problem and EVERYONE who lost their hair agonized over it as much as us, this place probably would have a million users (considering nearly everyone uses google and has internet connections now).

So we're clearly in the minority and we need to stop to thinking about it so damn much. If you're bald, you're bald. Sure, check in every year or so to see if HM is coming out, but other than that, THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO (save a hair transplant). Accept it and stop talking about it because that simply exacerbates the problem, because by simply being here you are reinforcing it as a PROBLEM when for most people it's simply a natural part of life. Same goes for NW4,3,2, etc. Still have hair possibly worth saving, but we all know that realistically, the big 3 are it. Take them or not. But stop agonizing over the little details that don't matter, and stop thinking about it. Pop the pill and shut up.

/end rant.


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People have the right to post whatever the hell they want. This section is for people to vent. Fact, medication doesn't work for everyone and some people do have side affects. If you want to be ignorant to the reality of these drugs then don't read their posts.

This section has been very productive for me. It gives me a realistic view of what to expect so I don't become completely disappointed and it allows me to see I'm not the only one facing difficulties because of my hair loss.


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I see what you're saying but not everyone processes things like the others....this forum is very helpful to many. Cathartic.

Most people can't share the problems they have with hair loss with their close friends or family so they have nowhere else but this place.

I'll be the first to admit I USED TO get highly annoyed at some of the whining that goes on here but I have seen some amazing emotional turnarounds that would not have happened had people not just parked their *** in front of a computer and spent some serious time letting it all out.

Consider The Impact of Hair Loss forum a support group.

Hi, my name is Cassin and I have hair loss. :mrgreen:


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I think you have a point in the following aspects, but at the end of the day no you don't have to visit and it provides a huge amount of valuable information. But

-Reading this forum is often depressing
-Sometimes you read posts that are so out of perspective (The relationship between general life and hair) it's unbelievable, it gives a false impression, like this place isn't the real world. 'What would you rather have, your testicles or your hair?', 'I was refused 230 jobs simply of my slightly receeding hairline', 'I'm a virgin at 46 because of hairloss', 'Tony Blair only isn't prime minister anymore because of his hairloss' etc.
-I really really really really wish I hadn't read the discussion of side affects etc. before starting.

Like I said though, no one forces people to read.


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My view is if someone is a NW2, they have no business even being here. I mean the hairloss is minimal to say the least. Sure it's furstrating to see it fall but I mean you still look like you have hair. When it's all falling out, you end up looking like someone else and that is where the trauma starts to hit (at least in my case). When I was a Norwood , NW3, NW4 (for a short while), I didn't come to these places.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
My view is if someone is a NW2, they have no business even being here. I mean the hairloss is minimal to say the least. Sure it's furstrating to see it fall but I mean you still look like you have hair. When it's all falling out, you end up looking like someone else and that is where the trauma starts to hit (at least in my case). When I was a Norwood , NW3, NW4 (for a short while), I didn't come to these places.
According to HP I guess I have no business being here. So I will leave graciously. So long everyone. I enjoyed all of you but since my hairloss is only minimal I do not want to drag people like HP down since my situation seems to very only very minimal. I wish you all the best and hope some day there will be cure for all of you. Have a good holiday and happy healthy new year!!!


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I thought they entire point of hair loss or any disease is to catch it early not wait in till the last minute. So in reality an NW2 has just as much right to be here as an NW4 or NW6.

The Rake

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HatPrisoner91 said:
My view is if someone is a NW2, they have no business even being here. I mean the hairloss is minimal to say the least. Sure it's furstrating to see it fall but I mean you still look like you have hair. When it's all falling out, you end up looking like someone else and that is where the trauma starts to hit (at least in my case). When I was a Norwood , NW3, NW4 (for a short while), I didn't come to these places.

And if you did come this place ealier, you may still be an NW3 or 4 today. You'd think knowing what you know now that you'd want to encourage guys coming on here who are trying to catch it early. But instead you'd rather be bitter.


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In fairness he may just be saying they shouldn't complain about the impact. But I think this is incorrect also if age is a factor. A NW2 40 year old, good job, wife and kids complaining is a bit pathetic, but if you're 14 it can be devastating thinking you'll be bald by 20, and being teased in school about it. - Yet also not being able to take finasteride.

On the other hand I could also see how it could come across as bitter (If he is) not wanting people to seek help, it's natural. If all men went bald by 20, it was just part of puberty, no one would be here complaining about hairloss. It would be 100% normal - In fact someone who kept their hair would be seen as wierd, and a loser (Like the kid in the locker room with no pubic hair as they hadn't grown up yet). So from the other point of few, the more men getting treatment, the more 'abnormal' a bald person becomes (Although, with the huge minority seeking help it would never become apparent that less men are going bald) and therefore would probably deep down prefer it if they didn't.

The Rake

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It takes a selfish and hypocritical person to actually want others guy to go through what he's going through simply to make himself feel better. Not saying the poster I responded to feels that way, but it's a possibility. Fact is, it really wouldn't make him feel better anyway. There's absolutely nothing positive that comes out of being bitter.


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I'm not debating the merits of this forum or this website.

What I'm saying is that spending time on here is counterproductive and exacerbating our problems.

It doesn't really accomplish anything. We all know about the big 3. We all know they work reasonably well if used early. So why continue to agonize over hair loss by logging in every day? (I'm guilty of this, btw).

By reading this forum we are reinforcing balding/baldness as a PROBLEM. And so our minds continue to see it that way.

And for those on treatments - by reading other people's anecdotal reports of how well or how poorly finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral/etc is working for them, we are getting a hugely mixed and ultimately counterproductive message.

b**ch in this forum all you want if it makes you feel better, but ultimately you are just continuing on a negative thought process.


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Thickandthin said:
I'm not debating the merits of this forum or this website.

What I'm saying is that spending time on here is counterproductive and exacerbating our problems.

It doesn't really accomplish anything. We all know about the big 3. We all know they work reasonably well if used early. So why continue to agonize over hair loss by logging in every day? (I'm guilty of this, btw).

By reading this forum we are reinforcing balding/baldness as a PROBLEM. And so our minds continue to see it that way.

And for those on treatments - by reading other people's anecdotal reports of how well or how poorly finasteride/minoxidil/nizoral/etc is working for them, we are getting a hugely mixed and ultimately counterproductive message.

b**ch in this forum all you want if it makes you feel better, but ultimately you are just continuing on a negative thought process.

I will agree with this. In the past month or 2 I have spent way more time on this forum than necessary. At one point it was affecting my job even. I was obsessed.

But still, I am very happy I found this site, if only for the fact that it can be a place to vent my frustrations and talk about a topic in which I cannot publicly talk about with anyone, not even balding people I know. Also, I have learned a lot on this forum, not only about hair loss, but about skin care, working out, overall health and fitness.

It is a good forum, but you have to watch yourself and not become obsessed with it like I recently have...admitting is the first step to recovery I guess. I think I drink too much also, but I am not ready to recover from that one yet :punk: