I thought my hairline didn't bother me


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And it didn't. It used to look really good, about a year and a bit ago. Even 8 months ago when I started meds, my hairline was decent, I was comfortable enough with short hair, as my hairline didn't bother me that much. But to be honest, I truly think my hairline has slipped like you would not believe. I don't know what to think of these hairs at the front of my hairline, maybe they're just dying? And I wouldn't even mind my hair"line" as long as it was all moved about 2 or 3 cms forward... it just looks way too damn high for a 19 year old guy. My widows peak is all pronounced now and everything, and it just sucks. I'm afraid to get a haircut.

On the plus side, I'm pretty sure my overall density is amazing now, 8 months ago I woulda killed for density like this. Just sorta venting guys, I'm getting all bummed out cuz I wanna get all this hair cut, but I'm too pussy to face the fact that my hairline is crap.


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Is this the infamous Deaner's pike aka. The Deaner Phenomonen?

No seriously, what meds are you on?


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dude. i think we are in the same boat here. my hairline seems to have gotten a bit crap lately, not moved back, i still have the same norwood 1.5, but it just looks thinner, but overall density is getting much better. I feel ya. i'm wondering the same thing about my little hairs in the front. been wanting to vent about it for a while, but with everyone being so negative on here lately, i just thought it wouldn't be worth it. i recommend getting the haircut man. i've never gotten one and regretted it. also, your hairline may just look crappier because your hair is much longer. ya know?

edit: see the above post for the "negativity i was talking about" guess you can't vent and get much positive feedback anymore.


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Yea, I've always worried about this sorta thing hwen my hair was long and I was thinking about making the drastic move. Hairdressers are usually pretty good about making your hairline a little less harsh looking. I dunno, maybe you're right, it just feels like it's slipping, and Propecia really isn't working on the hairline for me. The very front of the hairline just seems really thin, and seems like its moving back. I know for a fact the tip of my widows peak has moved back 1cm or so in the last 4 or 5 months.


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Deaner said:
Yea, I've always worried about this sorta thing hwen my hair was long and I was thinking about making the drastic move. Hairdressers are usually pretty good about making your hairline a little less harsh looking. I dunno, maybe you're right, it just feels like it's slipping, and Propecia really isn't working on the hairline for me. The very front of the hairline just seems really thin, and seems like its moving back. I know for a fact the tip of my widows peak has moved back 1cm or so in the last 4 or 5 months.

Do you think its your regimen causing this?

what is your regimen?


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I don't think my regimen is CAUSING it, my regimen just isn't stopping it. I'm on just Propecia.

The Rock

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Dude just sahve the widows peak thats what i do....makes ur hairline look perfect unless ur a full out N -2


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I just began Proscar and these last 2 weeks my hairline has dramatically worsened (Proscar had nothing to do with it, it's just circumstance I am sure) to the extend that I went from a good looking guy to an insignificant looking dude (my mood doesn't help) with a bad hairline in the space of a few days. Hairline ruined, and it's not gonna change, there is a before and an after in my life now.
Until few month ago, I had all my life a lot of success with chicks without really knowing why. Now that I lose my hair I know what attracted the ladies: it was my hair.
It's amazing how aggressive male pattern baldness can ruin your looks and your confidence overnight. I had to join my friends and some chicks this night and I won't because of my hair. Sad.


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Fred, do you have pictures to compare? It really helps to build some perspective. I thought I went to good to horrible in a month, but I looked at some older photos and noticed that it really wasnt that good even a year and a half ago. It made me feel better about myself now, and a little annoyed for not noticing my decline earlier.


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Deaner said:
And it didn't. It used to look really good, about a year and a bit ago. Even 8 months ago when I started meds, my hairline was decent, I was comfortable enough with short hair, as my hairline didn't bother me that much. But to be honest, I truly think my hairline has slipped like you would not believe. I don't know what to think of these hairs at the front of my hairline, maybe they're just dying? And I wouldn't even mind my hair"line" as long as it was all moved about 2 or 3 cms forward... it just looks way too damn high for a 19 year old guy. My widows peak is all pronounced now and everything, and it just sucks. I'm afraid to get a haircut.

On the plus side, I'm pretty sure my overall density is amazing now, 8 months ago I woulda killed for density like this. Just sorta venting guys, I'm getting all bummed out cuz I wanna get all this hair cut, but I'm too pussy to face the fact that my hairline is crap.

Damn, that sucks, D. I would say at this point it's time to add some minoxidil. I know, the vets will tell you to wait a year but it's you that has to look in the mirror everyday.

And as I'm sure you're finding out, long bangs DO NOT work with a thinning hairline. My signature thing before male pattern baldness was rockin' funky feathered bangs. Can't do it now—it looks ridiculous.


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My bangs are actually starting to look decent, after a few bang trimmings, they look quite thick and even, but it's still kinda a pain in the ***, and sometimes the hairline shows itself when my hair's sitting a certain way. It sucks.