i told my girl about my hairloss



and guess what she said? "lovey, you dont have thin hair!" lol. she thinks my hair isnt thin, but anyway she says it doesnt matter.

so guys i think in the first impression hairloss might be a turn off for women but if you have a girlfriend she wont care. especially if you only have light thinning or a Norwood 2 .

though, i know my hair is still thin. :( its not as thick as it should be. but it got much much better in the last 3 and a half month.


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but did you tell her about your regimen or not?


ya i told her about my regimen. she thinks its good that i do something to make my hair thicker again. thx god she doesnt care.


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nice to hear :)


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yea they usualy dont care, but if you are hunting for a girl it matters.
So for all us other boys, lets hurry upp before we loose it all lol :D
Just kiddinh, we all know that if we folow the regiment we will have a full thick hair next year 8)


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Jojje said:
yea they usualy dont care, but if you are hunting for a girl it matters.
So for all us other boys, lets hurry upp before we loose it all lol :D
Just kiddinh, we all know that if we folow the regiment we will have a full thick hair next year 8)
some of us will


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My wife doesn't care, she thinks it looked good before. She thinks my regimen is a bit mental so it's become a running joke in our house. But if it makes me happy it makes her happy.


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If a burn victim asked you if her disgusting scared face was ugly would you say yes or play it off like it doesnt matter?


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WorldofWarcraft said:
If a burn victim asked you if her disgusting scared face was ugly would you say yes or play it off like it doesnt matter?

Thats right, because body burns are as unattractive as hair loss. Wow, seriously you are pathetic.

My gf put on a little extra wait on the hips, and i told her i dont mind because i dont mind. I actually like it because i thought she was too skinny before. I didnt tell her so because i felt sorry for her. What a pathetic kind of thinking.


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Taugenichts said:
Yep, looks don´t matter to women........ :roll:

Plenty of women will hold it against you, especially if you do something about it. But i was at the bar on monday night and this guy with a receeding hairline and a bald spot was making out ALL night with this one chick that I thought from the past was really cute... 2 hours of nonstop making out, and she had just met him.


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My girlfriend doesn't think i am losing my hair at all and said it hasn't changed since the day i met her (which was 4 years ago). I know that ultimately the only person that has a problem with my hair is me and i think that is the case with most people. I mean in all honesty how much attention did you really pay to peoples hair before you noticed your male pattern baldness? Probably hardly any at all, to most people your hair is just an area of colour above your eyes. It is just that when you become 'hair aware' that you really start focusing and comparing the state of other peoples hair, which just isn't the case for non male pattern baldness sufferers.


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emo said:
My girlfriend doesn't think i am losing my hair at all and said it hasn't changed since the day i met her (which was 4 years ago). I know that ultimately the only person that has a problem with my hair is me and i think that is the case with most people. I mean in all honesty how much attention did you really pay to peoples hair before you noticed your male pattern baldness? Probably hardly any at all, to most people your hair is just an area of colour above your eyes. It is just that when you become 'hair aware' that you really start focusing and comparing the state of other peoples hair, which just isn't the case for non male pattern baldness sufferers.
its true
but one thing you should remmeber is that even if people dont look at it so much it does contribute to a better overall look even subconsciously...


emo said:
My girlfriend doesn't think i am losing my hair at all and said it hasn't changed since the day i met her (which was 4 years ago). I know that ultimately the only person that has a problem with my hair is me and i think that is the case with most people. I mean in all honesty how much attention did you really pay to peoples hair before you noticed your male pattern baldness? Probably hardly any at all, to most people your hair is just an area of colour above your eyes. It is just that when you become 'hair aware' that you really start focusing and comparing the state of other peoples hair, which just isn't the case for non male pattern baldness sufferers.

Lol, what are you trying to tell us? I don´t pay attention to people´s weight. It is simply something that is there but in the end it still matters to me if I had to rate a person´s attractiveness......Same goes for hair. It does matter and is very important. Hair loss makes us look old and ugly.


Taugenichts said:
Lol, what are you trying to tell us? I don´t pay attention to people´s weight. It is simply something that is there but in the end it still matters to me if I had to rate a person´s attractiveness......Same goes for hair. It does matter and is very important. Hair loss makes us look old and ugly.

Actually I always did notice fatness. It has always been a turn off, and I am not fat.

As for hairloss, I never noticed it, or cared if other ppl had some recession or thinning. I was indifferent to it, until I started losing it. Maybe your different.

Anyways, you barely have any hairloss, so I don't understand why you are so super depressed about it.


Sry, maybe I didn´t explain clear enough what I am trying to say. To me fatness is a huge turn off as well, but it is something I don´t care about as long as I don´t have to turn a person´s attractiveness. I think same goes for women and hairloss. They probably aren´t Norwood spotting us but baldness is definetly a huge turn off for them as well.