I visited an EXCELENT hair transplant doctor in Tucson, Arizona


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Somebody said it before, that Dr. Sharon Keene is one of the best hair transplant doctors around, and she is in my lil' ol' hometown of Tucson, AZ. Who woulda' thunk it? (I hate this town.)

So I scheduled an appointment with her, and I just read someone's messages about wanting an hair transplant, but not a "botched up" one. Well, this is the doctor to go to.

I went in to her office, not needing an hair transplant just yet myself, but I thought I'd check it out. She offered a free consultation, so why not? Her assistant first gave me the whole spiel about dht, and the causes and effects of male pattern baldness. I told her I knew that stuff already, so she went on to explain Dr. Keene's technique, and showed some photos. Incredible. Forget that the term "doll hairs" or "plugs" ever existed. This lady and her team are GOOOOOD!!

She worked with this other doctor, Dr. Shapiro, in developing (and now mastering) what they call Micro Follicular Unit Grafting . You probably heard of it, but basically they can transplant hairs in one-sies and two-sies. She also doesn't draw a line on your forehead when she operates, but rather she makes your new hairline a little jagged, to give it a much more natural appearance. And that it did.

Don't get me wrong, the problem of having limited hair was a little evident in the after photos. Their new hair was somewhat "thin", but with it grown out, it looked really good. She knows how to spread out the hairs. And her technique is really cool. She basically makes little itty-bitty slices on the scalp, after the area she works on is shaved, and then takes strips of hair from the back of the head, and transplants them into the slits. Almost like planting flowers in a garden.

And she takes her time, doing only one or two transplants a day. She has a team of about 5 people, to perform what she calls "follicular unit megasessions". In other words, she can transplant quite a bit of hairs in one day. There was one guy in the photos that went back 3 times, but he got a shitload of transplants performed.

Anyway, just thought I would share what I learned. Now all we have to do is figure out the cloning part, and we're set.


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I am a bit confused, does she or doesn't she cut a strip of scalp off of the back part of the head like many do, or does she just take them out 1 by one or 2 by two instead of taking the strip and slicing them up?


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What is the cost? Sounds interesting....



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From the photos she showed me, she does cut a strip from the back. But then her team takes out hairs in various numbers- ones, twos, fours, etc., and she starts with ones in the front of the hairline, and then goes to twos, and then higher numbers, to achieve the natural "jagged" look to the hairline. That is how and why she does it. But the great thing is the overall appearance of each and every "batch" of newly planted hairs- the way she just puts a little tiney slit in the scalp to fit them in, it ends up looking so damn natural. I'm pleased with this, because I am a diffuse thinner. So she can implant hairs around already-existing hairs with this technique. In other words, it lends itself to higher density of hair- she can put them in really close to each other.

Price is:
600-1100 grafts $2540-$4840
1200-1400 // 4920-5740
1500-1700 // 5775-6545
1800-2000 // 6570-7300
2100 // 7350+

So basically I just wrote these numbers down to guage whether or not the price goes down as technology improves and the nubmer of doctors that can perform this technique increases. It is just my assumption that the price will go down with time. I hope so.

Something to consider.