I want to make a movie!


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It will be titled "Corruption", or "The System in Jaberwakiville". I got to name it so I can't be sued for slander. As long as I'm not implying the US system is this way, they can't get me.

It will be full of corporations bribing politicians in many way, getting around all contribution laws the people manage to pass. It will have a few good politicians that make it into office and are outvoted by the bribed ones. It will have innocent people convicted on flimsy evidence or pressured into plea bargains. Prison owners, who calculate that it costs $5,000 per prisoner per year for their prison because of the crummy conditions and work they get, but bribe politicians to pay the $30,000 per year per prisoner. There will be a scene where they say, "I want more money. We can't donate directly as a corporation. Neither can our employees. Go take this suit case of money and pay each of those bums $100 each to donate $49 each to this politician's campaign. Since the voters want to make my contributions more expensive, we'll have the politician vote to increase sentence lengths and use tax payer money to pay $50,000 per prisoner per year."

This is after showing most of the system. The camera zooms in on the suit case of money, as the goons head towards the bums. That is when our action hero sees the suit case of money open once, and plans a way to steal it and run for Vegas. The goons call the boss to report, and the case begins. The action hero now must run for his life, with the suitcase of money. Maybe he even crashes past the same victims we saw earlier in the movie.

Napolean Dinomite cost $25,000 to make, and revenued hundred's of millions. My goal will be to do just that. I might need to hire Oni and SAF and DrHouse to help with the plot, especially in the second half, after I set up the skeleton of the first half. Then we can let Aplunk1 be the action hero since he is fit enough, though I'd rather have a black action hero. I'd play the big boss.


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I'll patent it, and then use Utube and other sites for advertisement. Somehow got to get around the high advertising costs. I want to get on the big screen across the country, and have as much detail of as many types of corruption and voter strategy and ballot fraud as possible.

There will be some pregnant women trying to lay some desperate virgin men to get them to sign the birth certificate and be stuck in child support. All kids of corruption on all levels, and the moneyed industries behind them pushing for the laws that allow it. Everyone trying to raid the tax payer money or rip someone off, and a few good politicians futily trying to stop it. Could tie in with my campaign.

Just got to make sure it happens on a different planet, so no industry can accuse me of slandering them.


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I was hoping you were going to make a movie about YOU. I would definitely help finance it. I think I might have some left over money we never used from the budget I financed for HairLossTalk.com the movie................................ :whistle:


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CCS said:
Just got to make sure it happens on a different planet, so no industry can accuse me of slandering them.
At first I thought you mean't a MIchael Moore type documentry.
Just set it in some alternate reality like in V for vendetta.

But I agree with house a Napoleon dynamite style movie about you would be better.


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It would be like the next Borat/Bruno!


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aussieavodart said:
will there be a bukkake scene?

You wish :jackit: !!!

I made a movie once, it was called "My Home Movie". It actually turned out to be a good movie, better than I expected. Unfortunately, one of the actresses refused to sign the release forms and I couldn't release it into the public domain. A rookie mistake on my part, I should've got her to sign the forms in advance :sobbing:... After the contract between her and me expired, she even demanded that I destroy the recordings :shakehead:

I have been working on "My Home Movie 2", the script is ready and I have better quality cameras this time around. However, the production has been delayed because all the actresses that I've offered the lead role to are convinced they don't have the skills to star in such a challenging role :dunno:.


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That and premature ejaculation. :woot: