I want to start RU, but WHERE do i start?


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Tempted to get involved in RU. Been keeping an eye on this forum and have read some of it. What I haven't seen and would want to see is a complete idiots guide to how make this stuff up once you get the powder, from all I've read there seems to be lots of variants and I'd need to see exactly what else I need to buy, whether I can get it here in the UK no problem, precise instructions on measurements, what to store it in, where to store it etc. etc. etc. just a guide on what I need to do and also a link to a reliable cheap source that delivers to UK.

Lots of questions I know.....but its a lot of cash!

Has any of you clever chemist guys put something together already that I've missed?

Also on the purchase side, what guarantees do I get that a) this stuff is going to turn up in the post and b) the quality of the product being as is claimed. From reading it seems like this is basically my risk if I decide to join in and if a or b don't work out then its tough $hit? :whistle:

Oh just to add Im 24 and on finasteride, but apparently finasteride doesn't reduce scalp DHT so its basically useless. So I want to try a topical antiandrogen.


Established Member
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by the way, is CB cheaper and more effective than RU? Does it need to be applied to the hair less often? Any help is appreciated


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if CB works as advertised, it should be as effective, maybe a little more than RU and have to be applied less. It only needs to be applied 2 times per week.


Experienced Member
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if i remember correctly the original poster asked to have those threads removed.


New Member
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That sux

That sux..

Are there any online resources where I can a bit of research into RU?