I went to see a proper hair specialist


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He did a hair pull test and said that I was probably suffering from chronic Telogen Effluvium other then male pattern baldness. What do u guys think?

Also, he does not buy that propecia caused my shedding. I choose to believe him cos that is the only thing I can do.

Finally, I told him about Dr. Richard Lee. He said never heard of him before. Also, he told me that any ethical doctor won't give diagonis


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I always think that Telogen Effluvium is used as an excuse when nobody knows what the f*ck is going on.

Ok "hair specialist". First of all, "Probably" is real professional. Oh it's probaby chronic Telogen Effluvium. Ok as*shole what the F*ck is causing it then,and how do I get rid of it. Sorry Probably just does not do, these so called hair specialists can eat a d*ck.

Beleive me, you don;t need a doctor on-line or in person to diagnose you with male pattern baldness. You got the patterns, you got eyes, you got family history and common sense.


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What you say is true. But at least, what a doctor does is to at help you make certain comfirmations. Go through bloodtest etc...


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Blood test's are good, but is does not neccesarily have to involve a hair specialist.


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reallysad said:
He did a hair pull test and said that I was probably suffering from chronic Telogen Effluvium other then male pattern baldness. What do u guys think?
This whole entire thing is so vague and difficult to come to a conclusion on. Hair loss is just like that. You can't really "diagnose" thinning. I would venture to say its impossible, unless there is an obvious skin condition happening on the scalp, or obvious major medical or health related trauma in the last 3 months. In both cases you don't need a doctor to tell you the obvious! You'll already know it. Aside from that, the only way to diagnose is exactly what Marley said. You have eyes, you have patterns, and you have family history. That's it.

reallysad said:
Also, he does not buy that propecia caused my shedding.
No doctor would, because its not written on the approved published material associated with Propecia, therefore in their minds, it doesn't exist. This is the way the medical system works unfortunately. No doctor I have ever met has ever acknowledged Propecia shedding, and I would venture to say 1% of doctors on the planet have any idea what "synchronization of the hair cycles", as caused by Propecia, even means.

reallysad said:
Finally, I told him about Dr. Richard Lee. He said never heard of him before. Also, he told me that any ethical doctor won't give diagonis on-line.
Dr. Lee isn't a world reknown physician. He's a doctor who has educated himself on hair loss more than 90% of doctors out there (most don't bother learning more than the basics).... and he just wants to help people (and make a buck of course, but at least he's doing it ethically). I wouldn't expect some random doctor to have heard of him, and ... he does have a point to make diagnosis online is unethical ... but again this is hair loss, and your Doctor didn't exactly do anything Dr. lee couldn't have done online.

If he's going to criticize others, he should be offering you tons of helpful "diagnostic tests" instead of just looking at your head, tugging on your hair, and making a guess, don't you think? Maybe he just wanted his $45 for the 15 minute visit. Doctors are an absolute enigma to me sometimes with their inconsistencies...



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Oh, he actually did not say I was suffering from chronic Telogen Effluvium. He just said it was a possibility because from the way my hair was coming out, he felt that there could be something other than male pattern baldness. And I suppose the only reason why he told me that was that I kept insisting on a diagonise.

I told him I was afraid that it was a case of agressive male pattern baldness? And he said that while it could be, it was unlikely based on his experience.

Next, I kept insisting that propecia can cause shedding and he said that while it might cause some initial shedding, he did not think that the shedding would have lasted for 5 months.

He sent me through the blood and urine tests.... and the results would be out in a week. In the mean time, he gave me some tar shampoo which is for my dandruff caused by minoxidil(which i have stopped). I did mention Nizoral to him and he seem to think that the tar shampoo would do the job.

Finally, I told him about some of the products that Dr. Lee has and he told me exactly what you guys would sometimes say, How do we know that those products do work?

I have read about many cases here about propecia worsening the condition of the hairloss. Seems like in some cases, it might have an adverse effect? I am really afraid that I am making my condition worse by continuing to consume propecia.


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first of all, if your hairloss is happening in any kind of pattern, it's 99.99% male pattern baldness, the chances of you having some immunization disease or etc that causes hairloss in a similiar pattern as male pattern baldness is very small

secondly, propecia is #1 for hairloss treatment, MOST doctors agree on that as well as hairloss veterans


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update: The doctor told me that I have developed a skin problem from either stress or minoxidil. Layer of skin on my head i suppose. Other than tar shampoo and cream, I requested for pills. I was given Nizoral pills. Does it have the same effect as Nizoral shampoo?