I Will Start Microneedling + Peppermintoil


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Ok we all know this results:

A 2013 medical study, A Randomized Evaluator Blinded Study of Effect of Microneedling in Androgenetic Alopecia: A Pilot Study, put this theory to the test. 100 participants were randomly divided into two test groups: one group received 1ml of 5% minoxidil solution twice daily, the other group received the same minoxidil dosage plus a weekly microneedling (derma roller) procedure.

A derma roller with 1.5mm length needles was used in this study.


In short, the microneedling procedure led to significantly greater hair regrowth than minoxidil alone. This was confirmed through all three methods of assessment."



- minoxidil wrinkles skin

- minoxidil expensive af

- microneedling alone has no benefits?

So i decided to replace minoxidil with peppermint oil (original Mentha × piperita, not that japanese sh*t)


"The animals were randomized into 4 groups based on different topical applications: saline (SA), jojoba oil (JO), 3% minoxidil (MXD), and 3% peppermint oil (PEO). The hair growth effects of the 4-week topical applications were evaluated in terms of hair growth, histological analysis, enzymatic activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and gene expression of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), known bio-markers for the enhanced hair growth. Of the 4 experimental groups, PEO group showed the most prominent hair growth effects; a significant increase in dermal thickness, follicle number, and follicle depth. ALP activity and IGF-1 expression also significantly increased in PEO group. Body weight gain and food efficiency were not significantly different between groups. These results suggest that PEO induces a rapid anagen stage and could be used for a practical agent for hair growth without change of body weight gain and food efficiency."



3% peppermint oil more effective than minoxidil (warning mice)

However my plan:

Mixing water and peppermintoil

Using a spraybottle for the scalp

For the roller: in the study they use 1.5mm once per week but how abouz 0.5mm everyday?


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Human are not mices and we do not grow more hair in winter for example. And minoxidill doesn't age your skin if you don't apply it on your face. Many successful members used minoxidil


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Human are not mices and we do not grow more hair in winter for example. And minoxidill doesn't age your skin if you don't apply it on your face. Many successful members used minoxidil
Agree with you mate. Minoxidil will not age you. I am almost 40 and have been using minoxidil for years now. I am getting comments that I look max 35....I always used face cream first then applied Minoxidil never other way....so not got aged from minoxidil at all.


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The dermaroller fucks with my hair..good damnit..they got sucked in or whatevr


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The dermaroller fucks with my hair..good damnit..they got sucked in or whatevr
I have used a dermaroller for the first time today (I wet my hair with water+argan oil) and I started to do it very nicely with the 0.5 mm.But I have noticed that many hairs were cut) and I have watched a lot of videos so I can do it correctly but I could not handle the fact that I have hairs in my hand when I was doing it...so I stopped...is it normal ??


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For a time I added peppermint oil to my minoxidil. You will definitely feel that stuff doing something in your skin, you'll know what I'm talking about when you come in contact with it. I didn't notice anything major happen hairwise but then again maybe I was did not try it out long enough to really know. My understanding at the time based on what I'd read up on it was that it's role was to basically act as a vasodilator in the skin thus improving minoxidil's effectiveness in the area

As far as minoxidil aging your skin, I've been on it for about 2 years now and I get mistaken for a teenager on an almost daily basis (I'm 29). I also use tretinoin and daily sunscreen though so who knows. Doesn't almost all the evidence for minoxidil aging skin come from anecdotal reports, with the exception of some study that was done in vitro? not sure off the top of my head


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Dermastaps are quit expensive compared to rollers..fuckin criminals i swear


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rosemary oil apparently works better than peppermint oil and is cheaper too