I wish i started treating my hairloss earlier.


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I've lost so much, but i guess the past is the past and now i should try to keep what i have.

I need to stop thinking about this all the time, only when i am doing my treatments.

I need to ask this, anyone else here experience that their hair on the top of their head just disappears when under bright lights? I can see it outdoors in the sun, but in some places with bright lights shining right down on my head , the top my head disappears leaving me with just the sides! :shock:

What the hell is going on, is this an illusion?

Anyone have good motivation tactics? because i Cannot and Will Not let hair loss destroy the best years of my life.

The only motivation i have gotten is from a quote from Winston Churchill.. i believe its...

"If your going through hell, keep going".

Well, It's been hard dealing with this and the only thing i can think of doing right now is going to the gym and getting jacked.

Anyways, good luck to everyone.