I wished for death so much, I have no solution for the loneliness.


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And knowing that I could have lived, that I almost lived 10 years ago, makes it depressing in an ever agonizing way.


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It's never too late man.

Love life, it's beautiful.
It really is. Even you might not see it right now.
You just gotta be open for it.

All of your problems and failures, are all in your own head. If you don't see them as problems, there are suddenly no more problems anymore.


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I appreciate your words.

I tried so many times to believe in what you said, gone trough therapy for many years, but reality strucks me again and again.
It's in my D.N.A. I can't change my body. I can't change my self esteem, I tried, but I get worse results all the time.


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I appreciate your words.

I tried so many times to believe in what you said, gone trough therapy for many years, but reality strucks me again and again.
It's in my D.N.A. I can't change my body. I can't change my self esteem, I tried, but I get worse results all the time.
You can man. Trust me.
If you think like this, it's too late. You'll never change. It's easy to say you can't change.
It's hard to live.
I've been rock bottom as well, but i've changed my thinking. I've realized I was the problem. So I changed me, now I am happier than ever.
You can do this too.
It's never too late.
There is not a single real reason (that is not inside your own head) that it is too late.
Let's make everyday a beautiful one bro.
You can do it


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I appreciate your words.

I tried so many times to believe in what you said, gone trough therapy for many years, but reality strucks me again and again.
It's in my D.N.A. I can't change my body. I can't change my self esteem, I tried, but I get worse results all the time.
Whats the issue here friend? Isnt the treatments working out? Or are they making you mentally worse?


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I appreciate your words.

I tried so many times to believe in what you said, gone trough therapy for many years, but reality strucks me again and again.
It's in my D.N.A. I can't change my body. I can't change my self esteem, I tried, but I get worse results all the time.
What were you diagnosed with? Depression/Anxiety/BDD/OCD?

Psychotherapy alone is not enough for non mild cases. Did you try meds? Were you treatment resistant?


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Psycolbin has proven to be effective for re-wiring one's brain chemistry. We are just about 2-3 years away from it going mainstream.