I Wrote An Article On What It Feels Like To Go Bald


My Regimen
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yeah awesome man!! perfect. The only thing I would suggest is not using the sexiest man alive (thor, forgot his name) in the opening because he still looks good with hair loss. The message isn't as significant. I would use brad pitt with a diffused birds nest on his head.


My Regimen
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yeah awesome man!! perfect. The only thing I would suggest is not using the sexiest man alive (thor, forgot his name) in the opening because he still looks good with hair loss. The message isn't as significant. I would use brad pitt with a diffused birds nest on his head.

Hmm I'd disagree, I think Hemsworth loses major points here. And the contrast of him having long hair is somewhat stomach turning, gives a great effect.

He's still a bit above average of course but nowhere near the status he has right now (of literally every single girl desperately wanting to bang him).


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Haha, wow, that's great! I'm really glad the images are being shared elsewhere because that way more people can see for themselves how much hairloss impacts someone's looks. I really wish someone in the media would write articles showing these types of images - then we would be reaching a bigger part of the population and raising awareness

Yeah I knew you'd like it, from seeing how you originally wrote about your vision for this project.

It's pretty awesome, wonder if it will continue spreading...

g.i joey

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Great article man, touched on everything I can think of in regards to hairloss!

Personally though, I don't like the message you're trying to push in your last couple paragraphs. The last thing I want is pity or compassion from anyone in Regards to my hairloss, bald people are already looked at differently, the last thing we need isnpeople saying "that poor man" whenever an nw7 comes around.


My Regimen
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Great article man, touched on everything I can think of in regards to hairloss!

Personally though, I don't like the message you're trying to push in your last couple paragraphs. The last thing I want is pity or compassion from anyone in Regards to my hairloss, bald people are already looked at differently, the last thing we need isnpeople saying "that poor man" whenever an nw7 comes around.

I see your point and it's a valid one but, it's a fine line to tread on isn't it?

Well I'd take pure pity/sympathy over what we currently have, at best the outlook people have on bald guys is pity, with a sense of f*****g humour! Patronising humour, of all things. Is there anything worse?

"Awww he's balding! So sad for him lol"

That's the best case scenario because at least there's an acknowledgment that it's a negative thing, usually a lot of people just find it straight up funny, not even that sense of empathy.

It's practically f*****g inhumane, if you think about it, like the cruelty we have as children.

At this point I'd just take anything else to denormalize this attitude.


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By the way @macaroni the lookism thread is now sticky'd as Important on that forum:


I'm guessing this is a fairly big deal, I'm not even into all this red pill theory stuff and even I know about Shitty Advice, and look how active it is, there's a handful of posts every minute.

Could grow big...


My Regimen
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Interesting - not sure how to feel about that site; there's a lot of terminology used i really don't know what they mean but somehow they feel pretty insulting/derogatory. It seems like a pretty rough place for anyone facing self-image issues...
On the flip side, i guess more people will see the images so maybe that will help in the long run

Oh yeah it's a total meat market, I used to think this place was bad for self degradation (and it's not as bad as it used to be) but lookism is a whole new level, I'm surprised @Dante92 isn't a moderator there.

But hey, it's something from nothing I guess, people are seeing it at least, so I wouldn't get too bogged down on the audience appreciating it.

It's doing good, well done.


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My Regimen
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I read most of the article but I think the images are all that are needed if you were to spread this to different outlets. They're incredibly powerful. Could probably go viral.


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Personally though, I don't like the message you're trying to push in your last couple paragraphs. The last thing I want is pity or compassion from anyone in Regards to my hairloss, bald people are already looked at differently, the last thing we need isnpeople saying "that poor man" whenever an nw7 comes around.

Welcome to the world of female hair loss :D


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I am in love with my wig! Better than my own hair! Even my Chihuahua loves it! How lucky I am to have hair loss!
Also I put on weight... but hey, it is curvilicious!!!
Haha... HerAlopecia in a nutshell. I don't know how their forum is nowadays (haven't been active in a couple of years), but back when I was a member the level of delusion was staggering.