I´m tired and i feel like i hit a barrier


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It´s not usual for me to post such negative posts in here but it looks like i have to do one.

I´m back from work and i feel tired, not physically tired but mentally tired.

I feel that something was took away from me, that i can never have it again. Life used to be nice and cool, i felt very confident and i would walk around in any place happy and like i wouldn´t care.

But now i just feel there´s nothing that can be done and it´s all downhill from here.

I feel lonely and i´m affraid i will be single for life, or even if i´m not single i have to marry some ugly b**ch, but i don´t even think i can go for it.

I work in an airport and everyday i see beatifull women, but not a single one notices me, i don´t exist for them. And the worst thing is that i used to be good looking and had some very fine women glancing at me in the past.

My mental state got worse when i tried to flirt with this awesome girl where i work but she isn´t interested which makes me even more distressed, frustrated and sad. I wont ever have a chance to have a girl like her and that is like i hit a barrier.

I´m going to make 25 years old next month and i´m also in the 2nd year of my university degree and working and studying in this mental state is not good. I don´t think i can survive and i´m expecting a really bad time in front of me...a really bad one.

I might shave my head but i´m not that built which wouldn´t look too good, and hanging around places like an airport and an university makes me want to go inside an hole. It would look silly, a skinny guy with a shaved head. I want to progress in the gym but the time to train and also eat is little and is halting my progress but i have to make something with my life and keep studying.

Well, sorry to put you up to this but i needed a rant.

I´m tired and i´m going to sleep.


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FabioM said:
It´s not usual for me to post such negative posts in here but it looks like i have to do one.

I´m back from work and i feel tired, not physically tired but mentally tired.

I feel that something was took away from me, that i can never have it again. Life used to be nice and cool, i felt very confident and i would walk around in any place happy and like i wouldn´t care.

But now i just feel there´s nothing that can be done and it´s all downhill from here.

I feel lonely and i´m affraid i will be single for life, or even if i´m not single i have to marry some ugly b**ch, but i don´t even think i can go for it.

I work in an airport and everyday i see beatifull women, but not a single one notices me, i don´t exist for them. And the worst thing is that i used to be good looking and had some very fine women glancing at me in the past.

My mental state got worse when i tried to flirt with this awesome girl where i work but she isn´t interested which makes me even more distressed, frustrated and sad. I wont ever have a chance to have a girl like her and that is like i hit a barrier.

I´m going to make 25 years old next month and i´m also in the 2nd year of my university degree and working and studying in this mental state is not good. I don´t think i can survive and i´m expecting a really bad time in front of me...a really bad one.

I might shave my head but i´m not that built which wouldn´t look too good, and hanging around places like an airport and an university makes me want to go inside an hole. It would look silly, a skinny guy with a shaved head. I want to progress in the gym but the time to train and also eat is little and is halting my progress but i have to make something with my life and keep studying.

Well, sorry to put you up to this but i needed a rant.

I´m tired and i´m going to sleep.
you summed up exactly how i feel ,at the moment i have no trouble attractin women but i still have most of my hair ,i know the day will come not so long away when no women will notice me,but i will not marry a ugly girl,never ,never

hair today gone tomorrow

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antonio666 said:
FabioM said:
It´s not usual for me to post such negative posts in here but it looks like i have to do one.

I´m back from work and i feel tired, not physically tired but mentally tired.

I feel that something was took away from me, that i can never have it again. Life used to be nice and cool, i felt very confident and i would walk around in any place happy and like i wouldn´t care.

But now i just feel there´s nothing that can be done and it´s all downhill from here.

I feel lonely and i´m affraid i will be single for life, or even if i´m not single i have to marry some ugly b**ch, but i don´t even think i can go for it.

I work in an airport and everyday i see beatifull women, but not a single one notices me, i don´t exist for them. And the worst thing is that i used to be good looking and had some very fine women glancing at me in the past.

My mental state got worse when i tried to flirt with this awesome girl where i work but she isn´t interested which makes me even more distressed, frustrated and sad. I wont ever have a chance to have a girl like her and that is like i hit a barrier.

I´m going to make 25 years old next month and i´m also in the 2nd year of my university degree and working and studying in this mental state is not good. I don´t think i can survive and i´m expecting a really bad time in front of me...a really bad one.

I might shave my head but i´m not that built which wouldn´t look too good, and hanging around places like an airport and an university makes me want to go inside an hole. It would look silly, a skinny guy with a shaved head. I want to progress in the gym but the time to train and also eat is little and is halting my progress but i have to make something with my life and keep studying.

Well, sorry to put you up to this but i needed a rant.

I´m tired and i´m going to sleep.
you summed up exactly how i feel ,at the moment i have no trouble attractin women but i still have most of my hair ,i know the day will come not so long away when no women will notice me,but i will not marry a ugly girl,never ,never

have fun being alone then. :tongue:

Hans Gruber

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hair today gone tomorrow said:
have fun being alone then. :tongue:

ah i dunno,im pretty pasty looking,not bundles of hair ,kinda skinny......i got a gorgeous woman....but then im such a charmer j/k :tongue:


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libertine said:
hair today gone tomorrow said:
have fun being alone then. :tongue:

ah i dunno,im pretty pasty looking,not bundles of hair ,kinda skinny......i got a gorgeous woman....but then im such a charmer j/k :tongue:

haha that was a good one.

I dont consider myself very good looking, but I do have my way of attracting women/girls.

I would say I got pretty alright body. Slim built with 6 packs, with big arms lol


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FabioM said:
I might shave my head but i´m not that built which wouldn´t look too good, and hanging around places like an airport and an university makes me want to go inside an hole. It would look silly, a skinny guy with a shaved head. I want to progress in the gym but the time to train and also eat is little and is halting my progress but i have to make something with my life and keep studying.

How bad do you want it? It really comes down to lack of motivation due to you losing hope and throwing up your arms. People who are overweight suffer from the same psychology and destructively eat more because they feel they are too far gone and demotivate themselves.

If you want to get in shape you don't have to go to a gym. Do pushups/situps as soon as you wake up and right before going to bed. Do resistance exercises (isometrics) while at work when you have a moment. The cumulative effect is significant. One of the most "in shape" guys I ever met was simply doing push-ups and sit-ups. He was lean and cut. You have the advantage of not having to lose a ton of fat to show muscle definition (if you are as skinny as you say) so take advantage of your sitiuation and change your attitue...then change your lifestyle and get on it !! It is well within your reach !!


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oh dear, you have got it bad. Their is always hope. luckily im having some success but, if it doesnt happen it doesnt happen. Their is no point dwelling on it. At the end of the day its confidence.

Who is the guy in your avatar? if thats you wtf are you worrying about?

if you want to get built you have to eat lots and often. im 5'8 and about 13stone. i was 10 and a half at the beginning of the year. Always been stocky so i had a good base to build on. Their are aways supplement's? try promax extreme maximuscle if you dont have time to eat.

If you dont have hair get the body and buzz your head, make work second to acheiving what you want. eat lots, rice dishes, pasta, chicken, fruit. Get a supplement. eat plenty of cream cakes....thats the best bit......buy a weight bench get to a gym....trust me when you have a good body you look good you feel good.

It can be done it just take will power.

theirs no point feeling all :badmood: only you can change it.......Start today!


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No it´s not me in the avatar, but the guy looks good.

About changing my life, yes i´m in the process of doing it. I´m taking an university course in Cinema and Multimédia, let´s see if i can make a good career in this area :)

I bodybuild and i´m building a great body but i´m still a long way until i get to my goal but it will come with time.

The problem is i feel my efforts doesn´t mean jacksh1t. I have mates who don´t make any effort in life but since they have a face girls like, they can get them.
Maybe the main problem is with women...i can´t seem to inspire and attract them even if i´m dedicated. I feel i can´t compete with other guys. My looks are gone, i used to be complimented by women and attract them , now i feel i´m over.

I might try shaving my hair someday like the guy in my avatar to see if i look good or not because that will be my last style if no cure for baldness is found.


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FabioM said:
The problem is i feel my efforts doesn´t mean jacksh1t. I have mates who don´t make any effort in life but since they have a face girls like, they can get them.

About 90% of guys feel like this at some time or other. Not everyone can be hot, thats just a lucky minority. Going to the gym may help but its no gauranteed solution. Although its the staple advice you seem to get on here.


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it calms me down to be in the gym trying my best to lift weights...I love it, its more than just trying to be sexy.