I'am a newbie with pieces is someone can help me ?


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I'am considering to buy a piece on coolpieces.com and

I have a couple of questions regarding the piece :

- Is is hot ? Especially during summer

- Is it itchy or scratchy ?

- At what frequence you have to wash it ? (one week, 3 days, 1 month)

- How long does it take to withraw, clean and put it back ?

- Can you swim with it ? Won't the glue disolve with chloric water ?

- Can I do agressive sport with it ? (like playing hockey)

- Can it fall if I pull on it ?

Thank you very much for all thoose that are going to reply !! ;) And by the way, all the others too !!

Thanks !



Senior Member
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I don't own one, but I've read the answers to those questiosn:

- Is is hot ? Especially during summer
Not if it is a lace piece. No hotter than your normal hair.

- Is it itchy or scratchy ?
I don't know, but have not heard anyone say that

- At what frequence you have to wash it ? (one week, 3 days, 1 month)
most wash it in the shower about every 2-3 days. you can wash you sides every day. they take it off every 4 days. but everyone is different. just depends how much work you want and how you smell, etc

- How long does it take to withraw, clean and put it back ?
30 minutes to 1 hour, maybe faster, depending on how good you are/how good you wnat to look. I don't know if that is to take off an on, or just on.

- Can you swim with it ? Won't the glue disolve with chloric water ?
the glued dissolves slowly. if you swim underwater for 3 minutes, it will probably come off. but if you want just one quick dunk to show everyone your wet hair, just for show, so they think it is your real hair, it should stand up just fine. Just don't let the chlorine sit on it long or it will fade

- Can I do agressive sport with it ? (like playing hockey)
probably. but any hard pulling or rubbing will make it wear out faster. it won't ruin it at once, though

- Can it fall if I pull on it ?
no, not unless you use a minimum of glue, and it would hurt a lot even then, like pulling off duck tape. Some of these guys have theirs on tight. what you see in the movies is just the movies.

how long does it last?

2 months is normal, but it depends on the quality of the piece, and how you take care of it, how good looking is good enough for you, and how often you wear it. I want to get one, and hope I can make it last 4 months. But I'm not going to keep wearing it if it looks bad.