If a NORMAL human being, NOT suffering from male pattern baldness...


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...vigorously shampoos his/her hair, and then looks at their hands, will there be hairs there?

Through my endeavors in hair maintenance, I have lost all comprehension of what is "normal". A few years back, I would have NEVER noticed/cared about hairs on my hand after shampooing, but now, I see three or four and I think... "shed...?"

I don't know what's normal. It freaks me out to see my scalp through wet hair, even when I can see other's scalps when theirs are wet.

I hear all these crazy statistics about how a normal human being loses over 100 hairs per day, but obviously you're not going to notice 90% of that, male pattern baldness or not. It's mostly in the shower and whatnot.

Does anyone know what I'm talking about..?


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hey mate, could you please fill out your regimen in your profile - it's a great help to us all.


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Okay, my regimen is filled out.

Ha. Yeah, okay... so maybe this topic was a little silly.

Hairloss makes ya crazy. :)


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Cheers buddy. I don't think your question was silly at all. I just asked this yesterday. Naturally you never look at your hands after showering or pay attention to the look of a hair before male pattern baldness - why would you? But during our battle we spend so much time and energy on this that I fell like it's been going on forever! I have absolutely no idea how much I lost before treatment or before I showed signs of male pattern baldness and I would love to know!

And yes, This whole thing makes you crazy :lol:


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Everyone is different---ridiculously so. My situation is bizarre because for two years straight I have shed over 150--200 hairs every day in just the shower alone. Yet for all that I am only a Norwood 2 and my crown's thinning is only noticeable when wet. The situation has barely changed in all this time. As long as I've been on this board, no one else has claimed to have a daily shed this large. When they do, it is only a minoxidil or Propecia shed and it makes them freak out. For me, this just seems to be normal, especially since finasteride has given me no increased shedding in the three months I've taken it so far. I don't get why this large fallout hasn't rendered me spear bald by now, but I am sure as HELL not complaining about that. (knock on wood)

I don't know what was normal for you before, (or me either, for that matter), but I'd say don't worry about finding them on your hands in the shower. I have to peel them off my FACE.


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hey jaygee i think im in the same boat as u. I been losing over 150 hairs everday just in the shower for the last year at least, before I was ever on any treatment. I dont know how long ive been shedding like this, but i just noticed it a year ago. Ive been on propecia for 4 months and 10 days now, but the shedding has not changed at all. I was hoping that it would have reduced a little bit by now at least, but nothin. Has finasteride decreased your shedding at all?

Molecular Help

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I don't know how or why you guys count hair. Do you really get to 150? Madness! Anyways visible shedding depends a lot on your hair length. When I cut my hair from about 3" to 1/4" I didn't see nearly as much hair coming out. That's because its not held in there by the other hair and can easily fall freely out.

Assuming we're all using treatments here sheds can mean anything! The treatments could be working which often causes sheds, they could not be working at all, or they could be doing something but we still lose more hair at certain times that we would never notice if not for male pattern baldness induced sensitivity to such trivial things. All anyone on here is going to tell you is unless something you're doing is causing scalp inflammation (I'm really only thinking of minoxidil here) then the shedding is either a good sign and ride it out or if not for the treatment you'd be worse and ride it out.


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under20---My shedding has not been affected in either direction by 3 months of finasteride. This doesn't make me panic as BHD, who got good results, says his shedding wasn't affected much, either.

Molecular Help---I know it's an extemely neurotic habit, but we're all at least a little neurotic or else we wouldn't be here!
If we play the wishing game, there are only two ways to play---wishing you weren't losing hair at all, or wishing you were one of those guys who wasn't bothered by it.

However, lately I have not been counting the hairs as obsessively. I guess this is due to hopefulness lent to me by the finasteride.