If Anyone Wants To Try Homemade Topical finasteride, Here's How To Make Liposomal Tropical finasteride

Daven Madero

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First off, if you have the money, buy a professional version.

This is for those who are using a homemade solution for whatever reason. Those people usually just crush finasteride into min.

There have been recent studies that show that liposomal finasteride is much superior to any other carrier method. So if you're going to go homemade, might has well go with liposomal homemade.

Google how to make liposomal vitaminC, CBD, or magnesium. They all list the same major ingredient, letchins.

Look on youtube for further instructions.

Again, there are no studies on this type of formulations. If you have the money, get a prescription version.

Arne Reyns

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Hey guys.

I am now using finasteride solved in alcohol, water and. Now I read that it is better to make liposomal finasteride. Now I found this video:
. It says an 'ultrasonic cleaner' is necessary. Is this really so or is there another (easier) way to make the liposomal finasteride?
