If finasteride doesn't work should I use dutasteride?


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I've been on Propecia since late September. I am worried now because photographic evidence shows that my hair has gotten a bit thinner on the crown area.

If it is really true that Propecia did nothing for my hair (which I hope isn't true), will I stand a chance with dutasteride? Or will it also produce no results for me?

Has anybody gotten zilch from finasteride and gotten good results from dutasteride?

Also, are the chances of side effects great on dutasteride assuming I've had next to none on finasteride? What I mean is, since I haven't gotten many sides from finasteride, is it appropriate to assume I wont get many sides from dutasteride, or are the two completely different when it comes to sides?


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I just checked, it seems that Avodart is not available in my country at this present time. Given that, is it okay for me to buy Avodart online from another country and get it sent here? Or is it not allowed through customs?


Experienced Member
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you would have to check with customs usually its no problem ive orderd 3 times allready and it arrived
you have a better chance with dutasteride that's for sure
as for the sides you cant know for sure till you try


Senior Member
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youve got to give it at least six months.you may not even have to use
dutasteride.its not at all uncommon for your hair to get worse in the first few


Established Member
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You may have a variant of 5ar gene which finasteride cannot bind.. dutasteride has been shown to be effect across more variants! Give it a shot..


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I've been on finasteride coming up 3 months and been losing ground all that time but everyone says give it at least 6 months and maybe more, so go with that before going to dutasteride, that's how i'm playing it. it does take many months for hair cycles change that finasteride causes to get in sync, so you can continue to struggle to be optomistic like me.

Good question tho and hope some longer term finasteride to dutasteride changers will let us know.


Established Member
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So how long should I stay on finasteride? I've been on it for 5 months. I'm thinking of giving it one year, given my hair does not go completely bad anytime soon. What are your thoughts?


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Definitely try it for one year. Take pictures every month and then see. To make a good decision you should rely on objective data rather than subjective data. The mind can play tricks.

Thin Jim

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I was on 2.5mg of finasteride a day for a year without any real results. I think I probably just about maintained if not it got slightly worse. I have started 1 dutas a day along with 5%spironolactone along the hairline 2x a week 3 months ago and my hair is now looking the best it has done in 2 years. The crown is almost completely filled in and the front is slowly making progress. Im at the stage now where I only use Dermmatch for small areas at the front, where as when I was on finasteride I was using it heavily all over. I have really noticed a decrease in the amount of hairs in the bath and my hair now feels much more alive too.

I think you need to give the finasteride at least a year like I did before switching. You should not really consider taking it until its a last resort. A few things to consider as well is the cost which is higher than finasteride, and also my sex drive has taken a slight hit.

I remember when I first started finasteride I went through a heavy shed and around 4-5 months in it looked like crap. It slowly began to come back after 6 months though but never really went past baseline until I added the dutasteride. Maybe its just that the finasteride was just kicking in with the regrowth when I made the switch and the dutasteride has given it the extra push, im not sure. Shedding is a good sign so do not be too worried about this. I know its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but give it the year and then re-evaluate.


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I saw some regrowth in month 5 with finasteride but to be honest, I think my results were modest. I'm on big3 right now and my hair looks the best it has looked in several years.... look at my pics.