If I apply minoxidil only to my bare temples will I shed?


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Anybody here do this?

I'm thinking of applying minoxidil only to the completely bare areas of my temples. Will it still somehow affect my existing hair and make it shed?

Badass, didn't you only apply minoxidil to your temples?


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i met with dr. lee awhile back...he claims that minoxidil is definately systematic and will travell all throughout the scalp no matter where applied

thats why people who are prone to side effects get puffy eyes
bloating, swollen ankles, older looking skin etc....


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Yes - minoxidil has a proven non localised effect.. smearing it on your temples will still effect the rest of your scalp to a certain degree. With that said however the end, desired effect is still the same - either the product works & you regain a thick healthy head of hair :D OR you are one of the 15 or so percent who do not respond & subsequently become increasingly bald.... :evil: Happy hunting........