missing is not a big deal. It is the average application over the year that matters. do not wast the $44 dollars. you might get a small shed from hairs that need the minoxdil, but i guarantee that even if they enter telogen, they will not die in a week. the minoxidil will save them when you appply it again. just use 2mL instead of 1mL on a few nights for a week or two after it arrives.
i could not find my equate minoxidil at walmart this week. I don't know if they stopped carrying it or if i was too impatient to search for it in the dense crowd. did you say kirkland minoxidil is also $6? where do you order it from.
if you are really worried, in the 5 year propecia trial, after the first year some of the propecia group was switched to placebo for a whole year. They fell 75% the way down to the original placebo group. then they were put back on finasteride and caught back up with the propecia group in 3 years. This proves that it takes over a year for a healthy hair to die, at least with most men. Men who were in the placebo group the first year and switched to propecia for the remaining 4 years never caught up the propecia group, staying at least 40 hairs behind at the end. This shows that in a one inch circle, the average guy permenantly looses 40 hairs per year in his earlier year. After the first two years, the placebo men started losing hairs at a faster and faster rate, like a ball that was thrown off a bridge. pretty scary. i wish I had started propecia sooner.
you'll be fine for a week. don't panic if you get a small shed. It will all come back. and I doubt you will shed. I know from experience that i shed if i miss a month, but it came back.