If I Quit spironolactone Should I Gradually Decrease Usage First?


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If I decide to quit using topical spironolactone (5%), should I gradually decrease usage before completely stopping? I heard that once you stop using any anti-androgen there will be an increase of androgen receptors so it's better to gradually decrease usage and then stop rather than stop cold turkey. Any truth to this? If so, then how many times/week and up to how many weeks should I apply spironolactone before actually stopping? (Been using spironolactone for 2 weeks once/night)


No. Just quit. I mean what spironolactone does is take inhibit DHT in the scalp. DHT won´t upgrade so there is no need to go of spironolactone slow.

The only thing you can´t quit is minoxidil.


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Are experiencing any shed with the spironolactone? Are you considering another topical instead?


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I wouldn't say I'm overly shedding. Hair is not falling out all the time or even if I just pull at it, but ever since I started spironolactone and Tricomin (both two weeks ago), it seems that my left hairline has thinned and receded somewhat.... not major or anything but somewhat noticeable. Although this could just be coincidental and something that was already happening which I didn't notice until applying these topicals everyday on and around the hairline area. I've been using Propecia for 12 months with decent maintenance and thought Tricomin and spironolactone would maybe help my hairline thicker with some possible regrowth. What I also noticed since starting spironolactone and Tricomin is that I have gotten a few red pimple-like bumps without the whitehead part in some places along my hairline. Again, I'm not sure if this is coincidental or if it has something to do with hairloss. I just hope these topicals will do more good than harm and they should, but what I realized is that these topicals have forced me to look at my hairline everyday and has made me somewhat obsessive about it so because of that I might just quit with the topicals and just try Propecia for as long as it remains effective instead of dabbling in other stuff so I don't become so obsessed about regrowth, shedding, thinning, etc by looking at my hairline.