If I Stop Using Minoxidil After 1 Month


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Since joining this board and reading all of the informative postings by members, I figure it's time to pose a question. Here it is:

I'm about a Norwood 2, maybe not quite there but not as full as I was 5 or 10 years ago for sure. I'm 33 with a family history of male pattern baldness. I've been applying 5% spironolactone cream off and on for the past year with good (I think) results. Off and on I'd use Minoxidil 5% with Azelaic Acid 5%. I also shampoo with Nizoral 2% eod and alternate with Nioxin.

I've noticed some excess thinning this time in using the minoxidil (it's Xandrox 5%). I was thinking of quitting it and just staying on the spironolactone and Nizoral. Many on this board with NW2 seem to think minoxidil only added in further RECEDING of their temples.

Any opinions? Suggestions?