If I were only going bald.


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I think I could cope now with going bald. It’s been 10 years since I first became aware of it and at 36 it’s hardly uncommon for my age. The trouble is my hair loss is compounded by many other issues.

When I was 14 I developed severe acne. Many different treatments were largely ineffective. I thought it would go away when I got to my 20’s. It didn’t.

At 20 I developed psoriasis and at 21 seborrheic dermatitis. At nearly 37, I am almost a NW4. Never been married, no kids. My elderly mother is the closest family I have.

My acne is largely under control now but I have the oiliest skin of anybody I have ever known. I wonder if this excessively oily skin of mine is partly responsible for me going bald. “Marinating the follicles in DHT†as someone once described excess sebum and hair. As more skin is revealed, it isn’t normal skin. It’s slick within about 2 hours after washing. I wipe my face with a paper towel every hour or so in work.

This, together with scalp psoriasis has made me fear balding much more so than most guys, I think. It’s destroyed my self-esteem, my self-image, my self-confidence. I cannot bear to look at myself or even touch my face except immediately after washing. The last time my skin was dry - was normal - was 1987. That's right 1987. 23 years ago. That’s the last time I was able to look at myself without seeing some disease on me.

My hair was the one feature about my appearance that I actually liked and I never thought I would go bald so early. My Dad didn’t, my grandfather didn’t. I thought it wouldn’t happen to me until I was maybe 40 or something and by then there would be treatments that would stop me from ever going fully bald. It happened 15 years too early for me.

My life has been ruined by my skin and by hair loss. These 'trivial' of problems. And it’s so hard to keep going on like this. I've tried but I can't live with this self-loathing. If I had just one problem to deal with - if it were just baldness alone - I think I could come to terms with it. But not everything.

I know others have much worse problems but that way of thinking has never helped. My problems don’t feel diminished because someone has it worse. I can’t help but feel this way. I am so down right now.


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If your skin is that oily, i would jump on accutane asap.

I just got done with a 5 month course, and my skin is now anything but oily.


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monty1978 said:
I see your baldness and acne!

And I raise you non syndromic sagital synostosis.

Thats what I am discovering i have since the onset of male pattern baldness

Gonna find out for sure if is in the next couple of weeks. Pretty likely since my head looks like a rugby ball and is too long to wear any motorcycle helmets and has a long ridge running down it with interspersed lumps on the ridge, coupled with a lump at the back and a bossed forehead and sunken eyes.

Ohh the pity :sobbing:

How do you cope monty? How bad was/is your acne? Are you having success battling your male pattern baldness? I understand your having a bit of luck with Fluridil IIRC?

There's a lot of truth in your quote. I don't have much, if any capacity to handle what's happened to me. Like I tried to say in my post, I think I could handle one or even two of the things, indeed I did cope when it was just 1 or 2 issues but I've found it so hard to deal with so many problems over such a long period of time.

Two weeks ago I was having a pub lunch, sitting outside in the sunshine and there was a 30-something guy at another table with his missus and young child. He was a NW5 and had psoriasis over his arms, legs, neck and even the faintest trace on his forehead. That's much more psoriasis for example than I have. But it didn't stop him wearing shorts, a t-shirt and he'd found a partner (albeit not an attractive one). I envy guys (and women who have therir problems too I suppose) for their strength to cope with these kind of problems.

I'm not always like this guys, honest. Sometimes it just gets too much for me and I crumble. Posts like these are when you see me at my worst, at my weakest.

Maybe we should keep an archive of posts - a sticky or something - about how guys who successfully deal with all sorts of problems in their life. Maybe it would give a bit of inspiration to those of us when we are really down. I know I can't be the only one who struggles and I mean really struggles to cope.


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Nuli said:
If your skin is that oily, i would jump on accutane asap.

I just got done with a 5 month course, and my skin is now anything but oily.

I really wish I had been given Accutane when I was 17-21. I think my acne warranted it but here in the UK I got fobbed of by the NHS dermatologist. I would go on it now in an instant just to dry out my skin were it not for the possible side-effect of hairloss.

The trouble with Accutane is that, as I understand it, there is no guarantee that it will permenantly reduce your oiliness. It may come back just as oily as before a few months down the line.

I don't think there's a derm anywhere who would prescribe it now anyway as my acne is 98% under control. They simply don't prescribe it here in the UK just for oily skin.

how old are you Nuli if you dont mind me asking?


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monty1978 said:
I see your baldness and acne!

And I raise you non syndromic sagital synostosis.

Thats what I am discovering i have since the onset of male pattern baldness

Gonna find out for sure if is in the next couple of weeks. Pretty likely since my head looks like a rugby ball and is too long to wear any motorcycle helmets and has a long ridge running down it with interspersed lumps on the ridge, coupled with a lump at the back and a bossed forehead and sunken eyes.

Ohh the pity :sobbing:

Wow, you must be my unknown twin.! I also have a rugbyhead, acne and hair loss. How did you come to learn about this condition you speak of?


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Below is one of the things I'm afraid of. It isn't me in the photo but you can see psoriasis + male pattern baldness is not good.




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Maelstrom said:
Nuli said:
If your skin is that oily, i would jump on accutane asap.

I just got done with a 5 month course, and my skin is now anything but oily.

I really wish I had been given Accutane when I was 17-21. I think my acne warranted it but here in the UK I got fobbed of by the NHS dermatologist. I would go on it now in an instant just to dry out my skin were it not for the possible side-effect of hairloss.

The trouble with Accutane is that, as I understand it, there is no guarantee that it will permenantly reduce your oiliness. It may come back just as oily as before a few months down the line.

I don't think there's a derm anywhere who would prescribe it now anyway as my acne is 98% under control. They simply don't prescribe it here in the UK just for oily skin.

how old are you Nuli if you dont mind me asking?

I'm 20 years old. Yah, the derm where I live(small town) doesn't prescribe accutane either but, I went ahead and ordered some generic accutane online.
If you want PM me and ill give you the link. Stuff works insanely well for acne and oily skin. It cleared all my acne in under a month, even at a low dose (20mg).


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monty1978 said:


Perhaps you guys can see why hair loss is such a scary deal for me and why I wish I were 'only' going bald :(


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Maelstrom said:
[...] My acne is largely under control now but I have the oiliest skin of anybody I have ever known. I wonder if this excessively oily skin of mine is partly responsible for me going bald. “Marinating the follicles in DHTâ€￾ as someone once described excess sebum and hair. [...]

That's one the most discussed questions on HairLossTalk.com: the relationship between sebum and male pattern baldness.

I do believe that both conditions are related. Once I started taking finasteride they both improved: my scalp became less 'greasy' and my hairloss stabilized.


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It makes it doubly desperate for me. It's bad enough to have male pattern baldness or to have greasy skin but to have both is horrible.

I can't help but wonder - if I had been given ro-accutane as a teen or young adult, would I not only have been spared much acne but would it have permenantly reduced my sebum output as well? Would my male pattern baldness not have happened so early?

<sigh> Another regret and 'what-if's' in a very long line of them.


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I wish I could keep my chin up more than I do Monty. Unfortunately, I've passed the 12 month propecia mark and I dont think it's working for me at all. My left temple which had been the stronger of the two is very weak now. The centre of my hair, all over the male pattern baldness area basically, is getting thinner and thinner. Without finasteride working, it's very difficult to hold this at bay I think.

Having psoriasis makes it hard for me to use topicals. I should really just buzz it down to a no.2 but I just can't face it.

I've had so many issues with skin conditions/being skinny/poor body image over the last 25 years now, it's really hard. I deal with most things relatively well but anything to do with appearance....is a different story. Hence the title of this thread - If I were only going bald.


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I'm really struggling at the moment. I'm off work on the sick because of depression. I can't see myself ever going back either. After 12 months I will lose my job.

Propecia has done nothing for me. In 14 months I don't think it's even slowed things down. I've just tried rogaine foam and it's causing a tight, itchy feeling that I'm getting bad vibes about after only 2 days. If only Propecia had given me some modest improvement it would have helped not only my current situation but given me hope for the future. I don't have any hope that I can do anything about my hairloss now.

I can't bear to look at myself. My oily skin is insane. Nothing seems to help with that. My latest experiment will be with crushed lithium orotate and DMSO liquid in a face wash as the guys over at the immortal hair forum may know about. Dermatologists don't even want to know.

I've asked my mother about moving back home with her as I couldn't afford to continue renting a place of my own. She's elderly and it's breaking her heart to see me like this and the mess I've become.
I have quite a bit in savings and, if I lived modestly at home, it would take a few years before they ran out.

I just want to become a recluse or die to be honest. I know that's extreme but that's just the way it is. Because of my skin problems and male pattern baldness over so many years, I just feel that I can't go on. I'd catch the bus in a moment if my mother weren't around.

I've paid privately to see a psychiatrist to see what new tablets I might go on. It's taking such a long time to get anything done it's f*****g unbelievable. Even if I do get new anti-depressants I can't see them working. I am what I am and nothing can change that I look repulsive.

Sorry for this but I am so very, very depressed.


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Hey buddy, hang in there! We have to realize that there are certain things in life that are simply beyond our control. Obsessing over these things, whatever they may be... can really take a toll on us. At some point we just have to throw up our hands and accept things for how they truly are. Image isn't everything.... and don't you forget that! I met an older woman a couple of years ago, she was seventy but she looked like she was fifty or so. She looked great for her age and was sweet as can be, and you could tell at one point in time she was quite the catch. But after talking with her i learned that for over a third of her life she absolutely hated herself. Even though she was stunningly beautiful and had people coming up to her and complimenting her practically on a daily basis, her self worth was so low that none of it mattered. She was eventually able to turn that around by learning to love and more importantly forgive herself! It's not your fault you have these issues.... so don't blame yourself. I'm sure you have many great qualities and attributes that may have been clouded by your thoughts and energy focused on your situation. Definitely a good idea to speak with a therapist, because if you've been dealing with this alone for this long i can imagine that'd be quite mentally draining. Best of luck...


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monty1978 said:
ok you are in a bad place. It's all up from here on. Things can't get worse can they? If thats the case then try and relax. It's good you are seeing psychiatrist, wish you all the best with that.

co enzyme A works for reducing oil! I took it, I think 5 grams or mgs can't remember daily and within 3 ddays I had to stop cos my lips were cracking and my face was sore, skin looked awsome though.

Sincerely mate hang in there and the best of luck to you, I know what its like I really do, it might even be years before you are better but things generally pan out in the end and all of a sudden you realise you have had a real eye opening experience that was almost worth the ride.

take on e day at a time and good luck

Thanks Monty,

IIRC you took pantothenic acid (vit.B5) - yes? Did you take any other supplements in line with Squegee's suggestions?

The one side-effect that concerns me is reports of hair loss. Why is nothing ever straightforward! It's a tough call to make:potentially easing one problem at the expense of making another worse.

What I might do is take pure coenzyme-a supplements which hopefully bypasses the conversion process of pantothenic acid -> pantethine -> coenzyme-a. Maybe I can get the benefits whithout losing more hair?

Did you consider taking pure coenzyme-a Monty or even pantethine rather than pantothenic acid supps? IIRC you also stopped due to concerns about it making hair loss worse?

I know you have it tough too. :(


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To finfighter and reichandroll,

Thanks for your thoughts guys. Unfortunately, I have had a lot of help over the years. I've spent years on anti-depressants, had a lot of CBT counselling and have supportive friends and family.

It helps but I really believe I will only feel better if I ever become comfortable in my own skin. If I can find a way to reduce my skin's oiliness, whether that be coenzyme-a or a topical like Ifranel or even isotretinion as a last resort then that will go a long, long way. Perhaps I could even buzz my hair down and really try to accept being bald.

If not, I might even consider the previously unthinkable - wearing a hairpiece. I'd much prefer to respond to treatments or for one of the companies to bring out a new product which really turns the corner for all of us.

Until then though, I don't see much options. I simply can't bear to be around people. I have a 'public' job which I will lose if I can't go back and without an income, moving back home to live off my savings seems like the only option.

:sigh: I never dreamed I would end up like this when I was younger.

Thanks again guys.