If organ transplants are possible, why not hair transplants?


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If you won the lottery, would you pay a poor, NW1 $30,000 to donate some follicles to you? You then take organ rejection meds at a safe does to keep the hair. And you could even do a slightly lower dose. If the follicles die, you pay another bum for some more hair follicles.

Would you do it to have a perfect NW1?


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there is something unethical here, but i cant quite identify it... so my answer is no.


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I think CCS is probably the only person on this planet who would seriously consider this.


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I wouldnt even consider it, I'd instantly hand over the credit card right now to the doctor who could set it up.

Some people need more money and some need more hair... who loses?

I think I've asked this question before, was told it could never happen.


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What Finfighter said.

No doctor would ever perform a procedure like this. Immunosuppressants for life for a hair transplant?


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My understanding is that it's certainly possible, and I'm pretty sure I can list a surgeon or two (with dreadful reputations) who would do it; but the complications mean it would be ineffective.

  • If you're completely bald you can't get a full head of hair with a hair transplant and the more times you implant hairs in an area the greater the risk of scarring though you could probably do a scalp transplant.[/*:m:1vgj22yv]
  • Immunosuppressants are not a good idea if you want a long, happy life. They extend it if you have a terminal organ failure but cut it *very* short if you're otherwise healthy.[/*:m:1vgj22yv]
  • Immunosuppressants also cause cancer and hairloss, kinda ironic that.][/*:m:1vgj22yv]

If you have sustainable income, you're far better off (imho) in going for a semi-permanent weave; those ones which need maintenance every six weeks or so. I know two people with those and they look incredible, though you do need some hair to start with to blend them to the scalp.


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monty1978 said:
no cos i'd feel like a scum bag!

You could take 100 grafts from one guy and 100 from another. None of them would be hurt that much. But they would have more $$ to go buy a round of beers.


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cuebald said:
What Finfighter said.

No doctor would ever perform a procedure like this. Immunosuppressants for life for a hair transplant?

Not for life. Just until you are done getting laid. Then you can stop at age 40 and let the hairs dye off. Perfect timing. When your wife lets herself get fat, you let the hair go.

Yep, and cosmetic procedures are so unimportant. Easy for a full haired Doctor to say.

GeminiX said:
[*]If you're completely bald you can't get a full head of hair with a hair transplant and the more times you implant hairs in an area the greater the risk of scarring though you could probably do a scalp transplant.

I had not even thought of that. If people donate their organs when they die, why not their scalp too? The money from selling the scalp could help balance the hospital's budget after giving out all those organ transplants.

But they would never give you access to the body. You'd have to sneak into the morgue in the middle of the night while the body is still fresh, and cut it off yourself, and run to one of those doctors who'd transplant it for you.

You need to know someone who works there so you know when the fresh ones arrive. Hospital security is very low. Just wear some scrubs and go to a big one.


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What sounds more ridiculous? Gluing some dead hair on top of your head (toupe) and regluing it daily? Or getting a real scalp, that is alive and looks and feels real, and just requires popping a few pills a day? Which would you prefer to have above your skull? You just need a scalp with the exact same color hair so you don't have to keep dying it.


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finfighter said:
CCS said:
What sounds more ridiculous? Gluing some dead hair on top of your head (toupe) and regluing it daily? Or getting a real scalp, that is alive and looks and feels real, and just requires popping a few pills a day? Which would you prefer to have above your skull? You just need a scalp with the exact same color hair so you don't have to keep dying it.

Hey man I'm sorry, I think that what I said came off really harsh. You seem like a cool guy, very entertaining.... :)

Will you help me find a good scalp? And a good doctor?