if they can do it YOU sure as hell can too!!


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i heard a lot of people say oh girls dont dig bald guy this and that but i honestly see us bald guys get A LOT OF P***Y i know theres a thread about this but most of you guys have really low self esteem i dont blame you hairloss is a big impact in your life as it was for me but probley not as much since i always shaved my head a number 2 but now will have to shave it shorter anyways heres pics that proof girls still dig bald guys.............with CONFIDENCE!











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dudemon said:
1. A couple of those guys are bald by choice - they don't have haiross issues, as far as I can see. Those girls would not hook up with guys that don't look very good - with hair or without hair.

2. Not every bald guy can shave and look decent - I can't. I cut it pretty short, but not all the way down - I have a long hair transplant strip scar from ear to ear.

3. Confidence is not everything - it only goes so far, and then...what next? :dunno:

It's great that SOME bald guys get women like that, but MOST bald guys are not capable of it, IMO. I know you are trying to prove something by posting those pictures and you mean well - unless you're just trying to make some of us feel like sh*t.

Whatever the reason, a lot of guys - including myself, could only ever dream of women like that. Hooking up with one is never going to be a reality - unless she is a prostitute. It's always nice to dream, but I know my limits.

I completely forget about women like that, they are simply out of my league. I'm a realist in a sense that I know that I will probably never have women like that - for the rest of my life. Trying to score with women like that will only lead to more rejection and pain, and misery, and feelings of inadequacy and depression.

I try not to "aim so high" - that way when I fail it's not such a downer. When you're already sad and depressed - more downers are not good at all.

ok reading all that just made ME depressed honestly no joke like you have to think positive bro have low self esteem is a REAL SERIOUS ISSUE much more then hair loss or anything out there your doing all of this to your self your putting your self in a worse position then what you are in already lowering your standards i can already imagine you looking at the floor while talking to a hot girl dont mean to critisize you but its reality and you gotta buy some nice clothes thats in style if you have facial hair then grow it out and thin it all out start going to clubs a lot or even hang out with friends and dont hide under a hat

btw your hairtransplant scar will always be there just shave it off do you think its that much of a big issue you know theres people out there with burns in there scalp and still do there thing a little scar at the back isnt sh*t


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It's true it hold some people back.

But definately not MOST. MOST bald guys do not post on these forums and simply get on with life. I go out to clubs and every week see bald guys getting off with girls right, left and centre.

Two of my mates are bald and get just as many girls now as they did when they had hair. - They do it with now extra effort.

However me personally, I'd need to bulk up a bit, get a tan and sort my wardrobe out a bit to put myself on a level playing field with my attractiveness without hair (In my opinion, to maintain my confidence to approach girls).


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Going bald doesn't mean you can't get girls. It just means you think you can't. If you project an aura of confidence then women will be attracted to it whether you have hair or not. Any bald guy who is brave enough to approach women will have success. Learning to handle rejection is probably the key factor here. I bet some bald/balding guys get rejected and then stop trying. If all men stopped after being rejected the human species would be on the endangered list.


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OK let's continue with the logic you are trying to use.

I can post you pictures of short guys who gets hot women.

Then I will say that ALL SHORT MEN can get hot women.

Let's not forget about what they look like, who they are and all those other factors right?

Cmon people, be smarter than this.


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toocoolforhair said:
Going bald doesn't mean you can't get girls. It just means you think you can't. If you project an aura of confidence then women will be attracted to it whether you have hair or not. Any bald guy who is brave enough to approach women will have success. Learning to handle rejection is probably the key factor here. I bet some bald/balding guys get rejected and then stop trying. If all men stopped after being rejected the human species would be on the endangered list.

i agree with your post 10000000%

my buddy whos bald if or when he gets rejected he just tells the girl shes ugly to gtfo you cow
and believe it or not that same girl he told that too he ended up sleeping with her LOL girls just love rudness and cockyness


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Actually, I'd say none of those dudes are attractive, and its not just because they are bald.

I used to work at a gym, and from what I saw, there are some women who are highly attracted to big muscles and if you have them, being bald/ugly isn't a handicap. Of course there are other women who don't care about muscles but certainly do care about hair...but regardless.

If you're bald and want hotties, get buff. Do roids, whatever you have to do. You can still pull hotties, although they might be of the "gym rat" variety.


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dudemon said:
not EVERY guy (bald or not bald) will be able to do as the guys in your pictures have done. It isn't reality.

Sorry to say, but I think this is the truth. :(

These pictures mean nothing anyway, any guy can get his picture taken with his arm around a hot girl, who's to say that they're f*****g them.


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Ya'll should try for the ones who want to start a family......

at least they will know that being in a relationship with a bald man is quite secure...haha