if ur having ball aches....


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I currently take .25mg of propecia everyday and still get side effects. Testicle aches got so bad that I had to cut down to .25 every other day, but then the hair started going so I jumped back on the .25 ED. Anyway, I started taking my propecia with a Vitamin B-complex pill, and since then I have had minimal aches and sides. Could there be a correlation here? I'm pretty sure that it must be playing a role since i had sides for a year and the sides just died down from the day i popped the B-complex pill. If anyone else is experiencing this, try doing what I do and see if it helps at all and let me know if I made a breakthrough discovery..

good luck!


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pretty sure the placebo effect only applies when u are told or when you have convinced yourself of a certain cause and effect.... in this case, I didn't intend or even think that this would happen so its definitely not a placebo for me... although, if you try it on your own it might have a placebo effect on you since u have read my story and are anticipating similar results....


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it is NOT placebo effect

i have used finasteride before and also have ball arches time to time, but luckily (or unluckily!!) the pain wasnt much and it was only time to time (once a day).

no solution for me at that time I just continued taking the pill.


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You are on the right road. I'm pretty convinced also that B vitamin (B12 precisely or B6?) is in charge of these aches. I also think that the ball aches can be connected to stomach aches, because the area is not so easily determinable.