if we can all get our hair to last another five years...

Green Soap

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think we'll make it to a cure? There are new and potent drugs coming out all the time, new discoveries being made all the time, what do you guys think?


Teetering on the edge said:
think we'll make it to a cure? There are new and potent drugs coming out all the time, new discoveries being made all the time, what do you guys think?

I bloody well hope so!


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If I can hold onto my hair for another five years, I'll hopefully be finished with school. That would be enough for me.

And hell, by that time I might even be ready for a hair transplant.

At this rate, though... well, we'll see what happens. :lol:


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Teetering on the edge said:
think we'll make it to a cure? There are new and potent drugs coming out all the time, new discoveries being made all the time, what do you guys think?

Nah. When I started two years ago this was the hope, and now half-way there, I don't see anything resembling a cure coming down the pipe.


Axon don´t be lame.

Our generation will be treated with stemcells, a couple of generations down genetheraphy will make people forget there ever was such a thing as male pattern baldness.

But since stemcells are probably 6 - 10 years away it´s good advice not to put your life on hold until we get there.


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nesta said:
Axon don´t be lame.

Our generation will be treated with stemcells, a couple of generations down genetheraphy will make people forget there ever was such a thing as male pattern baldness.

But since stemcells are probably 6 - 10 years away it´s good advice not to put your life on hold until we get there.

It's just something that always is "just around the corner." Cloning has been around the corner for 15 years now, et cetera, et cetera.

Believe me, I would love to have a cure, and if I haven't established a rep on this site as a positive guy by now, I don't know what to say.

I don't doubt that it'll happen. I just doubt the time frame.

Sad but true.


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While I don't think we'll be at a "cure," I do think we can expect to see some greater advances.

I'll predict that within 5 years, two things will happen:

A) Another drug for hairloss will be approved/in the process of getting FDA approval.

B)Hair transplants will be just about become as perfect as they can get with our hair supply's and POSSIBLY we'll be able to take hair from other people.

Molecular Help

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Vampa said:
Hair transplants will be just about become as perfect as they can get with our hair supply's and POSSIBLY we'll be able to take hair from other people.

Transplant doctors will become Reverse Robin Hoods- taking precious hair from NW0 ( :p ) poor and indebted people and giving it to us uptight middle/ upper middle class balding gentry.

Malk Halk


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hopefully a bunch of hollywood hunks will go bald and invest thier millions in developing a cure


gonna_win said:
hopefully a bunch of hollywood hunks will go bald and invest thier millions in developing a cure

As if that is not already happening.

George Costanza

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By the time there is a cure I probably won't even give a sh*t. Probably be more worried about finding a good nursing home. :roll:


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i think stem cell reasearch is very promising...they are taking umbillical cord blood up here in a few hospitals in ontario canada....as to be less controversial.


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I think the next best advance would be a topical, perhaps in shampoo/conditioner form, that would be similar to Propecia, meaning it would not be a cure but could prevent further hairloss.

Hopefully someone will come up with a topical that can block the DHT receptor site on the hair follicle thereby doing away with Propecia's side-effects.

I have no idea what, if any, company is currently pursuing this avenue.


HairyBalding said:
Hopefully someone will come up with a topical that can block the DHT receptor site on the hair follicle thereby doing away with Propecia's side-effects.

.....sound familiar.....???

George Costanza

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Hopefully someone will come up with a topical that can block the DHT receptor site on the hair follicle thereby doing away with Propecia's side-effects.

I agree, if only someone would invent topical 5% spironolactone, Revivogen, Fluridil, or Crinagen. We would have it made. :lol:

Molecular Help

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George Costanza said:
I agree, if only someone would invent topical 5% spironolactone, Revivogen, Fluridil, or Crinagen. We would have it made. :lol:

Let us pray! I'm sick of this limp dick and dese b**ch tits! I'm like a woman with a large useless clitoris at this point.


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a gypsy told me that stemcells won't give us all our hair back, but it will have a significant effect.


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Molecular Help said:
[quote="George Costanza":f096d]I agree, if only someone would invent topical 5% spironolactone, Revivogen, Fluridil, or Crinagen. We would have it made. :lol:

Let us pray! I'm sick of this limp dick and dese b**ch tits! I'm like a woman with a large useless clitoris at this point.[/quote:f096d]

roflmafo, :D :D

sorry :? :p